
"No one can defeat us unless we first defeat ourselves." Does anyone know what this means?

by  |  earlier

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im not exactly sure what this quote means but im guessing its about winning and overcoming failure :/




  1. Hi,

    In general it means you will overcome Any strong blocks or crossings in your life and will go on to resolve this opportunity's.

    The hidden message inside your question is:

    The strongest feeling in life is the one you have to take yourself. We can only rely on 1 person, and that's yourself.

    Every step you take is the one you put first.



  2. Hi it means that you have complete control of your life and unless you decide you can fail and hence give up. Others can not truly defeat you in any meanigfull way

  3. maybe it means.. no one really defeats us while we haven't given up, or while we don't think we're defeated

  4. The meaning of the quote is thus;

    If you have an attitude of winning, then you will do so.  If you are unsure of winning, or certain of failure, then you will fail.  

    Attitude and belief are self-fulfilling.

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