Every time I have to do number two (which can be from once a day to every three days), what's in the toilet is too big to even fit down into the pipe 95% of the time. When I do number two, that 95% of the time I have to use a plunger--not to unstop it--but to break it into small enough pieces so that it will go. I know this can't be normal. My worry is I'm going to be moving into a college dorm hopefully in a few weeks, and I don't know what I'm going to do! I thought that I may have to drive home every time I need to do number two (about 70 minutes away), but I know I can't do that forever. I could be sharing a public bathroom with up to 12 people, or a normal bathroom with up to 6. Not only do I worry about this, but I also want to join the military after college, and I can't be doing this in the military! I eat pretty normally and have had physicals every year for about the last 4 years, and the doctor hasn't mentioned anything that could be a problem.
Help, please?!