
"OPEN ARMS" what do you guys think?????????

by Guest56348  |  earlier

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i know it sucks but then again i've been up all night with out sleeping


people run from death

but one day its gonna catch up with them

they try to go and hide from him

but there is no one they can confide in

every day

he takes people away

it's so hard to dissapere

when he whispers in your ear

"one day it's gonna be you turn"

so this is what i'd do...

just welome death with open arms

it wont be painful

wont be slow

it will be better without your own sorrow

welcome death with open arms

welcome death with open arms

welcome death with open arms




  1. why so frustration in the poem?Please add some thing motivational and lively matter

  2. great and means alot but  i am a girl

  3. This is bloody fantastic! You have a rare talent. Oh my, this is just so evocative!

  4. I think it was good and it is about God coming for us when it is our time. people have so much they want to do in life with so many liitle time and many set backs as well as obstacles in your way. I think instead of worrying about death let just think God for the life we have now, no matter how crappy and pointless it is, it could be worst.

    Your poem was cool

  5. Again, considering I have given this advice to another, break away from the rhyme, you don't seem to need it, and in fact, when you do use it it sounds a bit forced.  I would suggest you pay particular attention to the structure of your poem, otherwise you lack rhythm.  Also, make use of imagery, it always helps in a poem. Be a little more cryptic and enigmatic. A great poet wouldn't tell me (s)he is talking of death, (s)he would show me.  In fact here is a poem by Sylvia Plath, entitled, Lady Lazurus.  Plath too writes of death, suicide in fact, but notice how she does more showing than she does telling.

    Lady Lazarus

    I have done it again.

    One year in every ten

    I manage it-----

    A sort of walking miracle, my skin

    Bright as a n**i lampshade,

    My right foot

    A paperweight,

    My featureless, fine

    Jew linen.

    Peel off the napkin

    O my enemy.

    Do I terrify?-------

    The nose, the eye pits, the full set of teeth?

    The sour breath

    Will vanish in a day.

    Soon, soon the flesh

    The grave cave ate will be

    At home on me

    And I a smiling woman.

    I am only thirty.

    And like the cat I have nine times to die.

    This is Number Three.

    What a trash

    To annihilate each decade.

    What a million filaments.

    The Peanut-crunching crowd

    Shoves in to see

    Them unwrap me hand in foot ------

    The big strip tease.

    Gentleman , ladies

    These are my hands

    My knees.

    I may be skin and bone,

    Nevertheless, I am the same, identical woman.

    The first time it happened I was ten.

    It was an accident.

    The second time I meant

    To last it out and not come back at all.

    I rocked shut

    As a seashell.

    They had to call and call

    And pick the worms off me like sticky pearls.


    Is an art, like everything else.

    I do it exceptionally well.

    I do it so it feels like h**l.

    I do it so it feels real.

    I guess you could say I've a call.

    It's easy enough to do it in a cell.

    It's easy enough to do it and stay put.

    It's the theatrical

    Comeback in broad day

    To the same place, the same face, the same brute

    Amused shout:

    'A miracle!'

    That knocks me out.

    There is a charge

    For the eyeing my scars, there is a charge

    For the hearing of my heart---

    It really goes.

    And there is a charge, a very large charge

    For a word or a touch

    Or a bit of blood

    Or a piece of my hair on my clothes.

    So, so, Herr Doktor.

    So, Herr Enemy.

    I am your opus,

    I am your valuable,

    The pure gold baby

    That melts to a shriek.

    I turn and burn.

    Do not think I underestimate your great concern.

    Ash, ash---

    You poke and stir.

    Flesh, bone, there is nothing there----

    A cake of soap,

    A wedding ring,

    A gold filling.

    Herr God, Herr Lucifer



    Out of the ash

    I rise with my red hair

    And I eat men like air

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