
"Obama Offers a Beautifully Packaged Lie" Do you agree with this article?

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What he wants us to forget is what was actually discredited two decades ago by the collapse of the Soviet Union. What was discredited was socialism, not capitalism.

That is what makes this the most dangerous election in many years. It has been almost half a century since the left's ideas have had such an intelligent, charismatic, and appealing advocate. He is now preparing to lead the left's effort to reconstitute itself in the first serious way since the Fall of Communism. He must be defeated.

Obama's acceptance speech is likely to be effective, and we should expect him to have a solid "bounce" in the polls now that the convention is over. But there is a way to defeat Obama. His whole campaign is a beautifully presented illusion, and the way to defeat it is to keep hammering on the difference between illusion and reality. Because the more grandiose the illusion, the more thoroughly it will be rejected when it is revealed as a lie.




  1. So, while McCain and his little c**t want better attention and are not getting it? Sad try here. Obama and Biden will be the next president and vp in November. Enjoy the tabloids baby; Palin is all over that.

  2. Yes.

    Lenin, Marx, Stalin, and Mao Tse Tung offered very similar packages.

    Give them an inch and they take a mile.

  3. This is not real journalism, it's opinion.  Everyone's got one and it doesn't amount to anything, I assure you.

  4. oh god why dont you give it up?  can you prove it was a lie? no you cant.  

  5. To compare Obama's Keynsian inspired Democratic socialism with the Marxist/Leninist inspired single party system of the USSR takes a very special type of ignorance.

  6. The article conveyed a personal opinion, and its opinion would be as good as mine.

    Any American would have as much patriotism as McCain.  Who does McCain think he is, just because he fought in a war, he should claim to be more patriotic (than anyone else)?  That, to me is an outright lie.

    Instead of being an elitist, but by showing that he (Obama) is with the people, of the people and for the people, what gave the article the right to insult him for faking his sincerity?  Perhaps the writer has the habit of faking his own, therefore he suspects others, too.

    When the nation has been heading towards decline, and should continue to do so, if the same policies and the same way things are being run continue for the next 4 years, do you think that we will get different results?  I would rather place my future on hopes of change.

    Beautiful package of lies by McCain, yes, to pull over conservative voters from Hilary's supporters . . . . . . but, gosh, what happened to Palin's family values in having an unwed pregnant daughter.  We can see the immediate karma in the choice of the VP!

    McCain promised that he will follow Osama to the gate of h**l, why doesn't he go to the cave of Afganistan to pursue Osama?  Oh, his life is more precious than others. . . . let other Americans die, but not him (and that is patriotic!).

  7. Obama's a lie?. Well everyone has his own personal opinion.

    But for me, I would rather believe a man that speaks ideas from his own mind, than a man who speaks words read from a tele-prompter.

    And to those McCain supporters who got very short memory spans. The things that McCain are saying now are totally the opposite of what McCain had said in 2000 when he ran against George W. Bush. You can call them "Beautifully Re-Packaged Lies".

  8. i didnt read the details because i dont like reading but obama is a big fat frickin lie!

  9. The person is obviously an idiot. You can't make a capitalist society like America into a socialist without any form of backlash.

  10. I dont think its as bad as the article makes it out to be, some parts of socialism are benefitial I guess and with out economy in such a bad state maybe we need some radicle left policys till it gets better? I dont think obama is left winged or a socialist. If you look into his past youll see hes only tried to help his community with all his resources. He must of been planning this the past 20 years if hes really trying to impliment all these things everyone is saying. Well we will see soon enough!  

  11. The soviet Union was Communist, not socialist. There IS a difference. And the fact that you don't know that difference shows a total lack of understanding of political ideologies of the left in general.

  12. I agree with Mark.

    McCain/Palin '08 all the way!

  13. I read your article, and it is under the "opinion" section. So it is just that, an opinion. I don't see the facts to support it. So no, I don't agree with it.

  14. The Cold War ended before a lot of us were out of diapers. Get over it.

  15. The Soviet Union was Communist, not SOCIALIST.  n**i's are not SOCIALIST either, they are fascist.   True socialists in those regimes were dissidents and treated harshly.

    Anyone with an education in political science would know this.

  16. I think Bush was the most "beautifully packaged lie" to date, thank you very much.

  17. I'm sorry, but Obama is not a socialist.

    He favors standard liberal-democratic policies, but they are hardly socialist. That's just your manipulating of language and ideology.

    What has REALLY been discredited is conservative economic ideology, which has resulted in ruination for all but the richest Americans.  

  18. I do agree with that article.  I wonder, would his supporters agree that if one thing in that speech was an outright lie, that it would make the whole speech, in fact his own integrity, suspect?

    How about this quote:

    [I]n the faces of those young veterans who come back from Iraq and Afghanistan, I see my grandfather, who signed up after Pearl Harbor, marched in Patton's Army, and was rewarded by a grateful nation with the chance to go to college on the GI Bill.

    Does anyone recall a few months back, the furor over his speech to veterans on Memorial Day about his uncle liberating Auschwitz?  When it was pointed out that his mother was an only child and he therefore had no uncle, he changed it to be his GREAT uncle; he just misspoke, he meant to say great uncle. And it was Buchenwald, not Auschwitz.  Oh, and it was really not Buchenwald but one of the lesser camps AROUND Buchenwald.

    You recall that maybe?  I can give you links if you don't.

    Now, in his great acceptance speech, it is his GRANDFATHER who joined Patton's army, not his great uncle.

    Why can his supporters not see that the man cannot tell the truth if his life depended on it?

  19. OBADEN 08

    ps. thx for the pts!

  20. Its funny how all the republicans say that his campaign is an illusion and he needs a reality check while they are destroying our country and getting us into a "war" that was never justified and killing our sons and daughters that are in the army right now.

  21. Yeah...yeah! And I tell you what, why don't you take your ignorant and dumbas* and place yourself in a bottle and chuck it in the ocean.  

  22. Barack Obama can fake sincerity, and that, more than the words of a speech or the pageantry that precedes it, is the key to his power as a speaker.

    We absolutely MUST keep this dangerous man out of our white-house and senate.

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