
"Obama sends high-profile female supporters to blunt Palin impact." Does this elevate him to pimp status?

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With all due respect, this clearly shows Barack Hussein Obama is a user of women, and he's stooped to new depths in his ambitious crusade to seize control the White House. It is necessary for him to take desperate measures such as this, because he doesn't have honor, priniciples and a REAL attraction that endures, AFTER BEING BUSTED AND OUTCLASSED by his opponents who have won the hearts of many American people. TOO many for him.

Oh yes, my friends, make no doubt about it. Obama is now desperate and he's running scared in the face of his opponents. You see...they've GOT IT and he doesn't, so he has to try to concoc, manipulate and arrange things, connivingly.

Could you imagine any REAL man sending out packs of women to compensate for what he lacks? Could you even picture Elvis having to do this?

AND PLEASE: Don't try to tell me that McCain did that with Palin. You see, I know exactly how you think. The fact is that Sarah Palin is a decent, well-qualified woman for the job, mainly hated by people who love scoundrels such as Obama and Hillary.

Truly, electing the demagogue, Barack Hussein Obama, could be like wheeling a trojan horse directly through the White House gates.

I find it rather sad that you women don't speak out against this man for behaving like a fancy man with a feather in his hat and driving a Cadillac. Did he do this in the south side of Chicago? What about the actual women doing his bidding? What does that make them?

To all honorable and sane people reading this post, please vote for the war hero John McCain and Sarah Palin (Palin is actually FAR better qualifed to be PRESIDENT than Obama)! She has served as a mayor and a governor as opposed to Obama being a "community organizer." You claims of small town and small state status are false, and are a part of Obama's snobbish mentality, like when he said that people "cling to guns and religion" in Pennsyslvania.

John McCain is not a counterfeit American like Barack Hussein Obama and those within his cult. McCain is a true patriot who served in uniform and sufferend greatly with dignity beyond the call of duty.


Thanks, and let's drive Obama back to his mundane community job that he does best! :) :) ;)




  1. Nice Rant.

  2. Politicians do things that are "gasp" POLITICAL.  This surprises you?

    Palin is on the ticket in large part to portray McSame as an agent of change, too.

    "My change is bigger than your change."  Get over it.

    LOOK at the issues.  

    McCain wants the emphasis on drilling first, then on developing alternatives.

    Obama wants the emphasis on developing alternatives first, and limited drilling only as a stop-gap.

    In the past, drilling first morphed into drilling only.  I don't want to chance it again.

    McCain wants to take away a woman's right to choose.  Obama wants to protect a woman's right to control her own body.  I don't want to take the chance that I might loose my right to choose, even though my choices have always been pro-life.  In fact, I'm so pro-life that I believe a child has a right to adequate care even AFTER the umbilical cord is cut, much like Obama.

  3. Why arn't the Republicans letting her talk to the Press right now. Are they a little scared?  Shouln't it be her Choice?  She is about as tough as soccer mom on crack.  

  4. Please let me know exactly where this evidence is coming from besides your small minded opinions.  You can't state anything without backing it up with REAL evidence such as online sources (neutral sides, like abcnews/ foxnews...or newspapers/media not sharing opinions, but stating nothing but fact.

    If he didn't do it with Palin, then Palin would have not been the under-dog going into the election as VP.  His advisors "advised" him that if he pulls in a women, then he can grab more votes from women since Palin is like that "pitbull/hockey mom" personality.

    Again, you have no proof to your statements, and only back them up with stupid gestures that make yourself look foolish (barack hussein obama).

    Look at McCain's website.  He wants to legalize all weapons, and get rid of the "cooling off" period of buying guns to "law abiding citizens"...VIRGINA TECH STUDENT WAS LAW ABIDING...he wants people to be able to handle guns, yet he wants stricter laws on people using guns for crime. WTF!!!!! He is going to make the USA a war in itself UNLESS we PULL GUNS OFF THE STREETS, and not give them to "law abiding citizens"

    Go To KC Blue Blog.  It lists 67 things McCain said that he was against but now for and visa versa.

    McCain wants victory in Iraq.  We had to give up in Vietnam...This war has lasted longer then World War I & II.  McCain wants nothing but an army to destroy all who think otherwise to what he has to speak of, since he "knows" America.  He wants America to be the most armed and scare all other countries from us so that we can be the most "powerful"...VOTE McCAIN, VOTE FOR BUSH AGAIN...VOTE McCAIN, VOTE FOR WAR.  There is always a chance of winning, but there is ALWAYS a time that winning isn't possible and a period you have to say its a lost cause.  WE ARE IN THIS CAUSE!!!!

  5. did you forget that McCain picked a woman for VP? You say she's decent, yet you don't even know her. These comments you make are an indication of what this country needs to change. It is narrow-minded individuals such as you that fuel the divisive fire that needs to be doused with truth. Change starts from the bottom up. I respect a man who is willing to come to my doorstep as a community organizer and talk to me face to face than some guy who lives in several houses and has no grasp of how real, grass-roots Americans live and feel.  

  6. weak....

  7. It elevates him from "concerned" to "white knuckled panic"

  8. Keep the women down, keep the women down, the demo/lib mantra, yes, I am still feeling sorry for Hillary and the disgusting treatment of her.  Isn't it just typical of a Pimp.

  9. Could I get you another glass of Kool-Aid.

  10. No.  

  11. not only is obama reeling.....but ole Hillary must be cr*pping her jeans.  I'll bet she's already figured out that 2012 is 'out da window' for her!  Not only has she figured out that obama a loser....she is too!



    SARAH PALIN>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

  13. Weak indeed.

    Why in the world would I vote republican?

    h**l to the n o.


  15. Only if thye're offering 5ex as an inducement.

    You'll not drive Obama out of the Senate, come what may.

  16. No, it doesn't. Hillary was slated to get on the campaign trail for Obama long before Palin was announced as VP. Sorry but your rant proves nothing.

  17. His mistake was not picking Hillary.  He can send out bus loads of women but his action of not picking her can not be overlooked.  He picked an old white guy instead of a woman.  That was his biggest choice in this election and he blew it.

  18. All he is missing is the feather in his hat.

  19. No.  That's an unbelievably ridiculous accusation, bordering on racist.  

  20. America needs heros and needs people to understand and who will fight for them.

    I wholeheartedly agree .. McCain is the best and only man to lead.

    The media is quick to pick sides and has barely brought out issues that could really matter in why we may want to think about voting for Obama.  

    Tony Rezko, Reverend Wright, Louis Farrakhan, William Ayers... Obama claims to be a reformer but is not.  He had many opportunities to help clean up Chicago and didn't.  

    I will take common sense over rhetoric anyday!

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