"P3, *sl 1 knitwise, k1 in st in row below next st, k2, pass sl st over 2 sts, p3, rep from * across."
Please tell me comprehensively what I am supposed to do. With some research I have come up with the following hypothesis, with the things I am unsure of capitalized:
purl 3 stitches, *slip 1 stitch WITH THE YARN IN BACK, knit 1 stitch FROM THE ROW UNDER THE NEXT STITCH, knit 2 stitches, pass THE SLIPPED STITCH over THE THREE STITCHES YOU JUST STITCHED (ONE OF WHICH WAS FROM THE ROW BELOW), purl 3, repeat from * across.
But if this is true:
•Won't I be adding a stitch by stitching the one below the next stitch?
•Won't it look super-weird when 1 stitch BELOW (i.e, on the row just before) is knit on the current row?
•Am I really passing 1 stitch over 3 stitches? (And is this, then, nonsymetrical; i.e, only going to the right?)
It's Row 4 of the body of this easy purse diagram:
Thanks a bunch, 'preciate it