
"Pressure" in abdoment at 19 weeks pregnant?

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In the past couple of weeks I have begun to feel "presure" in my lower abdomen, where my uterus is. My uterus feels quite hard when I feel the sensation, and it only lasts a few minutes, if that. Could this be a form of a braxton and hicks contraction, or perhaps the baby's body pressing against the anterior uterine wall? I have been able to feel the baby's kicks and bumps, but this feels different. I also have had significant cramping throughout my pregnancy, which my doc is convinced is braxton and hicks... Again, this feels quite different. It's not gas :oP I am not worried, just curious. I am seeing my doc Monday, and I'll mention it then. I am just curious if anybody experienced something like this? As a side note, I seem to be quite sensitive and aware of what's going on in there! I felt the baby (my first) at 14 weeks, and the braxton and hicks contractions began at 7 weeks (which the doc has confirmed). This could be a sensation that most people do not feel this early in the pregancy..




  1. I know exactly how you feel. I'm 26 wks now and right around 18wks I felt the same kind of pressure although with my other two pregnancy's I didn't get that feeling until the end of my pregnancy. So I was a bit alarmed that it felt like something was going to fall out! I also had felt my braxton hicks contractions early which I hadn't experienced before. I've read that women experience the braxton hicks contractions throughout the entire pregnancy however they "normally" don't feel them till much later on, but feeling them now does not mean that anything is wrong. I think the pressure might just be the baby being in a different position and putting pressure on your bladder, so I just get off my feet for a bit and relax. Talking to your doc about all these things is a good thing to relieve your mind, take care of yourself!

  2. braxton hicks are harmless. Check with your doc monday. I had them bad with my son. Scared me but he's 5 now. So don't be to worried.

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