
"Pro-choice"ers, how do you feel about this?

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I had a conversation today with a friend who was going on about how she is pro-coice, because she doesn't believe anyone should tell a woman what to do with her body and then went on to tell me how her daughter hates her for forcing her to have an abortion at 16. Mom felt it would have been too hard on their struggling family.

How is that a choice? She mad a choice for her daughter.

How does that make you feel?

Do you think people who are pro-abortion, give people who are pro-CHOICE a bad name.




  1. It makes me sick. She forced her daughter abort her first child.  

  2. I suspect there are much deeper issues in this family that go way beyond the abortion. I'll bet the daughter would have hated her just as much if she had been forced to have the baby.

  3. Holy h**l, someone really needs to get some therapy ... not you, L@R@ ...

    But, anyway, to your question ... pro-choice is all about women having the freedom to do with their own body what they will. Someone else making that decision for them (including the government) is wrong.

    I also want to throw out there that I happen to know a lot about human physiology (I am a college professor and have studied this stuff in depth), and still don't believe that "life" as we know it begins at conception.

    Thanks for this. It just goes to show you that some people don't understand the meaning of "choice."

  4. Pro-choice should mean absolute right to choose.

    I don't agree with it because I personally think that society functions by limiting choices for better overall cohesion.

    That's why I have no probs with self-defence and to a lesser extent rape abortions but all other reasons merely cater to the whims and fancies of pregnant women and no one has a duty to aid them there, least of all medical professionals

  5. I'm not pro-choice, but I do find the "choice" argument a compelling one. If those who are pro-choice are basing their argument on the woman's right to choose what happens to her body, then they cannot turn around a force a woman to have an abortion.  You are saying that the pro-lifers are wrong to impose their values on another human being, then you're saying that you should be able to do the same...  This doesn't fly morally or logically, sorry.  Unfortunately, I've heard many pro-choice people say that they would force their teenage daughter to have an abortion, even if she felt that it was wrong (my father-in-law tried to force his daughter to have one).  I don't categorize those who force people to have abortions as "pro-choice" because I believe that it is an insult to those who are trying to protect the rights of women (even though I believe they're misguided).  Those who force women to have abortions would feel right at home in China, they dig that sort of thing...        

  6. Then she isn't pro-choice.

  7. You are right, she is pro abortion, not pro choice. It's the person/couples choice whether to have it or not.

  8. I agree with you, she's a hypocrite for forcing her daughter to have an abortion. Pro-CHOICE means you believe anyone should be able to choose, whether it's to abort or not to abort. If I were her daughter I would NEVER talk to her again, and she would never see me or my future partner and kids. All contact to her would be non-existent.

  9. She shouldn't have forced her daughter to get an abortion, though it was probably the most convenient option.

    However, I still remain pro-choice.

  10. This is a difficult question to answer. I am pro-life. I think that I would have sighed in relief if you had said that the mother made her daughter keep the baby or bring it to full term and give it up for adoption.

    Pro-choice does have one good side. It allows the mother the choice not only to abort the child (which I don't agree with), but it gives her the choice to keep it. Can you be pro-choice and not believe in abortion? I'm not sure. You can believe in making the right choice. What this women did though, is definitely NOT pro-choice. She didn't allow her daughter the choice to keep it if she wanted to.

    Being pregnant and listening to all of these kinds of questions brings a whole new understanding to life. Women talk about abortion as if they have a tumor or something. It's not just what I do with my body, It's what I do with mine and my child's body that's inside me. I believe that I will have to answer to God if I purposefully let any harm come to my child.


  11. If her daughter had been supporting herself, then she would make the choice. The financial hardship brought on her by her daughter's unplanned pregnancy affects her, I feel like a parent should be able to make that choice, until a child is 18 or moves out and supports themselves, then the choice is theirs.

  12. I think the choice should be left up to the individual, not forced on someone.

  13. This is just one of the hideous results of a society that was selfish enough to legalize the slaughtering of innocent children.

    Things like this will continue to happen and happen more often as people continue to view the infant as a "choice" instead of what it is: a living, delicate human person.

    This is the slippery slope.

  14. Check your state law - you'll probably find that minors cannot be forced to have abortions.

  15. I definitely do not think that anyone should be pro-abortion, and Idefinitely do think that they could give pro-choicers a bad name. Mothers should not make those kinds of choices for their daughters either. however, how far should we let the government go if we make a law that states that you do not allow abortion? I do agree that abortion is bad and that no one should make that choice but is it really up to the government to decide what should go on in a women's body? The best we can do is try to convince people not to make abortions and to do our best to spread the word of the affects of abortion. If we did have a law against abortion than who is to say that women wouldn't try to get rid of the baby themselves as they had before we had the medicine to kill babies with a needle?  

  16. Well dear you friend is a hypocrite and has nothing to do with me.  I know of no one who is pro-abortion...unless they want to kill of the human race or are some sort of sicko....

  17. You know, maybe that was just the mom's guilt talking...?

    Maybe her daughter doesn't "hate" her for making her get an abortion. Maybe her daughter "hates" her for a whole bunch of other reasons some 16 yr olds hate their parents! Maybe the daughter just uses that as a weapon to make her mom feel guilty and to get her way about things? I'm sure there's more than one side to that story.

    And she can still be pro choice.  Just because she "made" her teenage daughter get an abortion (I doubt it was physically FORCED on her.  Did they tie her up and put her in the trunk of a car??)  the point is there WAS a choice to make.  If Palin and McCain get their way that choice may be gone.

    As for making the choice FOR her daughter, well, that's part of the responsibility of being a parent of minor children. You have to make some choices for them.

  18. Yeah your friend is a bit of a hypocrite. Forcing anyone to have an abortion is sick and I'm very pro-choice myself.  

  19. First of all, I know of no one who is "pro-abortion."  You can't be in favor of a surgical procedure; you are in favor of a woman's right to choose her options.  

    That being said, we can't know what goes on in a family or what the circumstances were.  Her daughter was a minor, and as such her mother can indeed make her choices for her.  

  20. Many women choose to have abortions because they're not in a financial position to care for a child, and/or be a single parent.  

    If I would have come home at 16 to announce "I am pregnant" I would have been beaten up and thrown out of the house.

    This is a trolling question anyway, and I will treat it as such.   "Valerie" (below) also sees it.

    The girl is in NO position to parent; she is herself a child dependent upon her parents.  The day she can afford her own place to raise a family,  THEN she may parent: "choice" doesn't come cheaply.  Choice requires resources; in the absence of resources, choices are limited.

  21. The choice should be made by the girl - not the mom. I think she overstepped her boundaries by thinking she was doing what was best for her daughter, but not allowing her to make the choice she supposedly says women are free to make. That's what it is and should be - a choice, not an ultimatum.

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