
"QUE ES LA VERITAT", Barcelona's Sagrada Familia portal?

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The "Sagrada Familia" church in Barcelona features a magnificent portal (see:

Can somebody explain the meaning (not translation) of the "QUE ES LA VERITAT" phrase. I know it translates into "What is the Truth", but I am interested in knowing what the artist meant by highlighting this sentence.

Does it refer to a Bible cite?





  1. Hi, the sentence "I que es la veritat" which is in the Portico de la Pasión, passion facade - gate of the Sagrada Familia, is dedicated to the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ. The sentence, is in catalan language, and it means exactly "and what is the truth?"

    The meaning and reason for it to be there  is that Gaudi, and Suvirachs, his collaborator and eculptor of much of the Portico de la Pasión, as many thinkers since centuries ago referred to the secret tradition that Jesus did not die in the cross" indicating through his question to those in the know that the official truth was a lie. That tradition which has nothing to do with Cameron´s sloppy movie, Da Vinci Code, the Sixtine Conspiracy or other similar stories, was discovered during the late middle ages and early Rennaisance, in old arab, persian, hindu, and bhudist  documents.

    Some spaniards, since after all we were part of the arab culture for 800 years, got a hold of copies of these documents which documented the voyage of Jesus Christ, after surviving the cross, escaping from Jerusalem, leaving his mother the virgin Mary who died on the way buried at a location called Murree and arriving finally at Kashmir, at the city of Srinagar, were suposedly JC was and is still buried.

    The documents are mostly in arab script, although there are also in other languages like Farsi, which also has a different script, quite obscure for most Christians, and are not religious writings challenging the veracity of the crucifixion but part of local historical chronicles and archives that appeared along the route from Jerusalem to Kashmir, where different local historians told about how they witnessed that Jesus Crist passed through their land with Mary his mother,another Mary, and Tomas, his favourite disciple, who lately converted parts of India and got even to SriLanka. Although the documents exist, they are historical and they are historically valuable, they were not destroyed and can be found in many countries, as Siria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan  India, and Kashmir.

    JC.s name changed due to the languages many languages along the way, from arab, to farsi, sanscrit, urdu, hindu etc. -  Jesus - a is today´s christian version changed to: Isa, Issa, Yuz, Yus, or Jus; however the chronists tell about what Christ told them, where he was coming from, and what he did.

    Apparently JC continued his proselitism on the way, the history says, to find the lost tribes of Israel, found in nothern Afghanistan and Kashmir, which have left their names in the topography of that area, specifically near Nebo mountain. Jesus in preaching equality to the untouchables and other outcasts became enemy of some important charachters and nobles while was protected by others etc. etc. and manage again to scape several times from death.

    In short, the story and documentation of this escape was discovered around the Renaisance by Spanish monks and Scholars,most of which, as good Catholics, did not spill the beans, yet some other, not so pious, passed on the story to other non Spanish scholars, more concretelly the italian Neoplatonists.

    This exchange was most special with the Italians since they,  the italians had an unique relation with the church and a specially close relation with spanish artists who visted italy and italian artists during the renaissance to study art.

    The early monks and priests tried to cover the story and forced the story underground by excomunicating those who tried to rell and also making the Nestorian Christian of heressy since they were them monks that more or less had tavelled first the silk-way, so only very few people knew about it, still today, specially considering the relevance it would have in questioning the churches dogma and the evangelia, which all, in one way or the other told that Christ died on the Cross.

    This secret which has been maintained for centuries, has fused many real conspiracies in the past, and deteriorated the difficult relation between the Church and Artists. So in doing so, Gaudy is basically saying that he knows the secret truth but he is not going to say so openly, since in those days and previous times anyone spreading or telling such a version would have been burned, died accidentaly or killed directly. That is the story behind the sentence and also why there is a cryptogram that however you add the numbers the result is always 33 the supposed age of JC at his death time and age recogniced by the Offical church.

    The tomb is still there and it is quite incredible that with all the Da Vinci codes, and the works, so many have had to strive and fill the secret vacuum - they new there was a secret but not what it was - have not been able to get the real story or at least one that was actually documented in many countries, that he passed following the time period after his death, with and by historians, that can be checked for veracity against time, chronicles, truths, real characters etc.

    Although the secret continued to be transfrred on, it was a secret, untill it was rediscovered again and surfaced lighlty during the end of the 19th centrury, before 1st world war, when several monks and some Russian travellers had to stay in a Lamastery,  near Ladack, due to a storm, where the lamas had and showed them some of the ancient pergamines .

    You could go and see the tomb in person now, if it where not that Kashmir has been at war, civil war, for the last ...many many years. The references describing this trip are in the historical literature of many of those countries.By then the Church had learned not to give anymore free publicity to their enemies specially when the story might really hurt, so they just shut up, did not oposse its publication in a short obscure edition which was ignored and hence they let the artists, which had been "referring" to it though many of their works, continue this tradition.

    Hope it helps - at least that is the real story behind the sentence, words which many ignore, but now you also know and anyone else who reads this will to. So, believe it or not, the tomb is there, the documents too (in many non christian Monastery libraries, the dates have been contrasted and the explanations too, there are bodies and one has over the tomb a symbol marked of his feet, with injuries and all that seem to point to the typical crucified ones. There is even a man who, some genealogists say, after studying these and other documents, that he is the direct descendant from JC. So, is it true? Someone should go and research the place but casually local authorities have yet banned any attempt to research the body buried there as JC explaining that as he was a saint and he is buried with another muslim saint they should be left undisturbed. And what is the truth > "I que es la veritat" - until someone opens the tomb no-one will know for certain.

    Best Regards


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