
"Saving" Species?

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As most of us I am aware that our industries/ development have had an impact on nature. Apparently extinction rates have increased due to human activity. Okay, but then again over 99% of species that ever lived in the planet are extinct today. It’s the course of nature, they come and go + we couldn’t have killed them all (?).

Don’t you think that this “Let’s save endangered species” c**p, is just another way for self-important humans to try to control nature?

Shouldn’t we just let nature take its course, and leave animals alone?




  1. But it's not nature's course if humans are the ones who destroyed or hurt their habitat in the first place.  In the past there have been numerous mass extinctions, before humans.  But right now, we are causing species to go extinct at alarming rates.  Trying to save certain species is humans trying to fix their own mistakes.

  2. yes, except for big foot, we need to find that sucker

  3. You're right. Everything that is alive has a time to go. The whole idea that man can be the "Savior" of the world is pathetic! The world was here before you were and it'll be here after you're gone. Because environmentalists don't have anything higher to believe in they make the planet their mission and hope it gives them a purpose.

  4. You are right..extinction is natural and normal...every living creature on the planet will go extinct someday..including humans.  HOWEVER, humans have increased extinction to an alarming rate.  We are wiping out animals before we even understand their niche in the ecosystem and what important role they play in it.  Eventually we will kill ourselves by killing off other aniamals that may play a role in our existance.  If there were NO laws about killing endangered animals..believe me..there would be none left on the planet right now..even with strict laws people still kill endangered and threatened animals all the time. I think humans have a self-important attitude by killing every other creature..we want the planet only for saving animals we are showing at least somewhat of a humane side.

  5. While it is true that 99% of the species that have ever existed are now extinct, it took hundreds of millions of years for that to happen. To the best of our knowledge, the rate of extinction is much higher now than it has ever been in the history of life and the usual reason is loss of habitat.

    I remember the thrill, half a century ago, when I stumbled on a stuffed passenger pigeon in a collection that had already been picked over for extinct species. If I had ever found a live one, I might have died on the spot from extreme joy. And I'm not even an ornithologist.

  6. Usually people try to help animals that are in trouble. It isn't always because they feel that humans are the cause of them disapearing. A lot of humans feel that no species deserves to be extinct for any reason. And no I don't think that saving them is c**p I feel that all animals deserve to survive. Think of how amazing it would be to visit a zoo and see a wooly mammoth or a sabertooth tiger. If we don't save these animals then someday in the future our endangered animals might be gone for instance the elephant, humpback whale or the polar bear. Imagine going to the zoo and there not being a polar bear.

  7. if because of evaluation a species goes extinct so be it but if  man plays a role in it he should try to assist the return of that animal there are many examples

    1 American bison killed of to starve the Indian into submission

    2 wood duck hunted to near extinction with nesting boxes and hunting pressure removed it came back

    3 ivory billed woodpecker hunted to extinction for its feathers for hats(however a small population has been found in Arkansas

    4 Doo Doo bird,passenger pigeon,great auk,all gone due to mans interference the list goes on
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