
"Sexual harassment only applies to undesirable guys"?

by  |  earlier

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I find this offensive because I feel that those who believe this are devaluing this huge problem that many have.

Men can be threatening to women, let's be real.

Regardless, there seems to be validity in this - but not the way others view it. In my personal experiences, there seems to be a DIRECT CORRELATION with men that are considered undesirable in society and how they treat women.

What are your thoughts?




  1. Indeed! men are intimidating to women. There actions is only what they have been taught. There are two kinds of people and that is Good People and there are Bad People. and that is all there is to it. And if one believes that they wont get burned if the mess with fire is delusional. You don't get burned by staying away from Whatever. If you are having a problem with a select few take it up professionally with the right people and keep yourself out of harms way. God Speed to ya and be careful.

  2. Sexual Harassment only applies to unwanted advances period.  It is only an issue if the person being pursued takes action against the person.  It applies to both men and women.  Women can be just as offensive and in some cases more offensive to men.

  3. in a girl's view, technically, yes. i mean, if the guy was desirable you would enjoy it, even though it is sexual harrasment

    but if the guy becomes undesirable through sexual harassement then we might have a problem

    also, guys arent the only ones doing sexual harrassments. girls  do it too sometimes

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