
"Spain" Spanish pregunta? :)?

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Hola! Necesito un poco ayuda! :)

I am a little confused about the phrase "taking a course". From school we learned the (I presume) Latin American phrase "tomar un curso" but when talking with a friend from Spain he said they don't use this but rather "ir a una asignatura". My question is how would you say "I am taking blah blah courses this semester" in "Spain" Spainish? Es correcto: "Estoy yendo historia . . .. "?

Muchas gracias por su ayuda!




  1. What you are speaking is actually Castellano, which is what we speak in all the Countries south of the border. Is very much like the actual Spanish from Spain, but now quite the same.  what you said, "estoy llendo historia" is not really correct, you might want to say "estoy tomando blah blah courses".

  2. I learned "seguir un curso" so...estoy siguiendo (or just sigo) un curso de historia.  I have heard Tomar, but I never heard it in Spain, only Mexico, and from people who had studied there or further south.

    To use your construction, it would be voy A un curso de historia.  

    And it absolutely is NOT echar...that means to throw.  Echo un poco de sal en el agua caliente.  The expression you are looking for is echar de menos, but I doubt you could use it that way.  That's for echas de menos.

    Me divertía durante las vacaciones de verano, y querría estar de vacaciones de nuevo...something like that.  I don't think there's a literal translation.

    How about...Estoy nostálgico para mis vacaciones...

  3. based on the info you just gave me I would say:

    Iré a las asignaturas de...list them here

    and I miss summer break would probably use "extrañar" or "echar" which have emotional connections.

    Extaño ya las vacaciones del verano.

  4. Oh dear, terrible answeres, how can people give these answers?

    In Spain we dont say, ir a una asignatura. Thats stupid. Asignatura is a subject. SO we could say, im taking  a course, estoy haciendo una asignatura, estoy tomando una asignatura, estoy viendo una asignatura...No, you dont say estoy yendo historia: estoy viendo historia, estoy tomando historia, estoy haciendo historia...

    YES. "Echar de menos": to miss something/somebody. Echo de menos las vacaciones de verano.  

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