
"Speak to Me", a poem Comments please?

by  |  earlier

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Speak to me,

When nights are long

and days are short

of sunshines sparkle.

Speak to me,

When in your solititude

ballad love songs

haunt your heart.

Speak to me,

When you feel

journeys length

is endless.

Speak to me,

When it seems we

are too far a part

to touch once more.

Speak to me,

When hope returns

upon the morrow

we shall meet again.

Speak to me,

When you recall

I've never left

you after all.

Speak to me,

as if; you hear

my beating heart





  1. You got sth there!brilliant!

  2. are actually speaking to me.....

  3. Oh well done , Jenny!  

    This is convertable. Brilliant. I can wear any hat ,brim up, brim down , fit into anyones  shoes and send this message to a departing or departed  loved one. the last lines are very revealing and they  speak to me of my daughter, my son,  my grandmother, my brother, my friend.  so, so cool!

  4. Sounds like somebody is "In Love"....Cool!  Its a very nice felt, from the heart, a nice reflection!

  5. Yes, you speak to me and to many others.  This poem carries a universal theme.  Excellently done!

  6. It spoke to me.  Well penned.

  7. love it

  8. I am certain whoever you are speaking to, hears.

  9. It's speaking to mean saying speak to you no matter what boundries are in front of us. Simple and very good. I like it! ERRROOOOF!!!!!!!

  10. You inspired me, and I was going to send it email so as not to detract from youe gorgeous work, but since you don't allow email, I had to post it here.  I hope it doesn't detract from yours too badly.

    Speak to You

    I speak to you when nights are long,

    I whisper in your ear,

    I say the words my heart will think,

    The words you long to hear.

    I'll feel the rhythm of your heart,

    A drumbeat of pure love.

    The sparkling gaze from your clear eyes,

    As blue as sky above.

    I speak these words to melt your heart,

    To make you feel as mine.

    I hope they tell you how I feel,

    I've laid it on the line.

    I speak to you when we're apart,

    And can no longer touch,

    And when we meet tomorrow morn,

    I'll love you just as much.

    I speak to you as if I hear,

    The beating of your heart.

    No matter if you're far away,

    We'll never be apart.

  11. I like it a lot. I'm going to have to think about how to interpret it though...At first I feel the "journey" is the private journey of sleep, where words are not spoken, but dreams live....but I think there's more to it than that...

  12. Very nice, it has a great flow.

  13. Beautiful., well written and universal.  A verbal embrace.

  14. i say its good to go...

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