
"Spiritually Speaking," who is addicted to R&S at work?

by  |  earlier

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  1. *sheepishly raises hand*

  2. Guilty.

  3. Ah, that would be me.  Work sucks.

    Footy - I just installed Leach Block to keep myself in check.

  4. I just need 10 more points!

  5. I can quit anytime I want to..............

  6. Me!Me!Me! Oh here comes my Boss  >_> , back to work .

  7. I to answer.

    The downside is your questions get buried without answers when its really rockin.  

  8. This is my Tetris. My Solitaire.  

  9. Me too. hanging to R&S and hour. and reading the bible online for more.

    Ecclesiastes 12

    6 Yes, remember your Creator now while you are young, before the silver cord of life snaps and the golden bowl is broken. Don’t wait until the water jar is smashed at the spring and the pulley is broken at the well. 7 For then the dust will return to the earth, and the spirit will return to God who gave it.

    God Bless you.

  10. I am... but I realllllly need to cut back, lol.

  11. Guilty as charged!

    I actually didn't become too addicted until my office began the process of closing, due to an aquisition. I've had little to no work to do for months, just waiting until we lock the doors for good.

    In my paid leisure time... I've become utterly addicted. R&S has almost trumped coffee as my crack of choice.

  12. (Raises Hand)


    For reasons of maintaining security, I cannot "connect" with the Internet from my computer at home, for which I am grateful.

    You folks should be too, don't you agree!?!?!?

  13. Me, but don't tell my boss.

  14. *waves fins*

    I've been considering blocking my own access just to stop!

  15. *raises hand*

  16. Work?

  17. When I have to work to do I do it and don't get on R&S at all but when things are slow I waste alot of time here. I like the laughs

  18. I am....thank FSM for ALT, TAB  

  19. *guiltily raises her hand*

  20. I don't get internet at work, but I've been known to sneek in here during class a time or two.

  21. I need such a job what do you do?


  22. The bad thing is, I'm the guy managing the firewall.

  23. I am NOT addicted, I have quit many times.

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