
"Stolen pleasures are the sweetest." What does that quote mean?

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"Stolen pleasures are the sweetest." What does that quote mean?




  1. The work you do to gain your possession is as valuable as the possession itself

  2. It means when you take a bite from the forbidden fruit! LOL

    Going behind someone's back and getting away with something you shouldn't be doing but gives you pleasure, stolen kisses, two lovers cheating on their spouses, that kind of thing.

    If it wasn't on the up and up, or "okay", they wouldn't have to be stolen would they?

    It could also apply to getting away with certain liberties forbidden in a repressed country however too.

    The saying could apply to many things, not always necessarily having a negative connotation, but usually.

  3. well.... that is a sweet quotation :))

    from my experience of "stolen pleasures", i believe it reffers at those things that you really want to do but are somehow forbidden.

    i don`t know your age or where are you coming from to know what is the general behavoiur accepted in your environment, but i`l try give you an examples....

    hmm... maybe when you manage to get into a club and have alot of fun and dancing while you`re not yet 21 years old, or when you eat a small piece of chocolate while dieting, or  when you have a boyfriend when your parents don`t allow it and so on.

    you enjoy those "stolen" events much more than you would if they were permitted.

    but you must try it to realize what the quotation really FEELS like ;)

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