
"Stupid Hurts!" Have you got a classic stupid hurts story?

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One of my stupid (almost )hurt stories was rear ending a car at a stop light while staring at a really hot girl, but I was able to put my foot down and wrestle the bike back up , I'm sure she was very impressed.




  1. Hmmm.....Let me think, You do know I'm a freestyle rider so everything i do is retarded and i do get hurt.... So, let's see. O.K. I got one. We were jumping off my house onto a trampoline and into the swimming pool with bicycles and skateboards and i had this Einstein of an ideal to drag one of my pit bikes on top of the house and ride off hit the trampoline do a heel clicker and land in the swimming pool(at least that was the plan).

    We had a little 10 inch wedge ramp on the edge of the roof. So i hit the ramp(by now i have come to the understanding that this was not a good ideal) I landed on the trampoline with the bike my feet come off the pegs and my hands come off the handlebars and my chest slams the steering tree then I'm thrown into the air and the front brake lever is caught on my shorts and it's tearing them and the throttle is stuck "wide open" I bounce off of the pool furniture and land in the pool(just missing the edge) the bike comes down lands on it's back tire and catches traction and flips like three times and lands in the pool on top of me.... the only thing that happen to me was a bruise from the pool furniture...... I told you, I'm retarded.

  2. Hey Ride on

    Just last week I was rushing to get out the door and didn't look where the nozzle was, then squirted myself in the eye with hairspray!

    As for bikes...... when I was a teenager a lot of my brothers mates would try to impress me doing bike stunts (I was sorta cute!) and one infatuated fool thought he would impress me by letting me ride his new(ish) bike - a 185 street scrambler.

    Little did he know that my enthusiasm was much greater than my talent! So because I managed to get on it and ride a couple of circuits of our local dirt track - I started getting cocky!

    It was my first time EVER riding a bike but I felt sure I could manage a sort of power slidey type stop (rear wheel kicking up gravel - hair blowing in the wind etc.) where everyone would stand and watch in AWE! (besides - I didn't actualy know how to brake)

    So... approaching at about 30 mph - I saw the look of horror on everyones face and panicked! I stood on the back brake, and the gear shifter, can't remember what I did with my hand controls but the bike was roaring and spluttering and bucking about - but I remembered to kick the rear out (read that as - it sort of fell on me) and I slid towards the group of astonished bikers on my ar$e and left leg!

    My jeans took the worst of the gravel and shreaded and I got some bruising where one of the guys fell on me (yes I took a couple of them out!) and my pride took a big bashing.

    I think on reflection the fella who's bike got damaged was the most hurt - it cost a few quid to replace most of the left side of his bike, and when I got home in tatters (and tears) my one of my brothers went round the lads house to tell him off for letting me ride his bike in the first place!!

    Poor sod - that stupidity realy hurt!

  3. Oh man, I have too many stories for this question....let me think here......

    here's one.....

    going riding 3 hours after surgery....

    that was stupid, and I hurt for a few days after.....

  4. I wish Max's " Over the back " at Bruno would have gone wrong. That would have hurt!

    I also know walking into a street lamp whilst eyeing up the girl next hurts, but thats not racing related !

  5. ha... well im a pro dirttracker with a practice track... saw a rock on the track many laps in a row and figured i could just keep missing it... next lap i came off the right hander a little crossed up, smacked the rock head on, highsided pretty hard, found myself in the hospital with 4 snapped vertebrae in my neck and 2 in my back....oops

    kiss the '07 season goodbye eh?

    google: Kyle Wyman

  6. Hi Ride on. I just finished laughing at Barry M story. Cool idea gone bad. Have a similar story to Dingo. when just a boy a friend of mine (still is) got a new moped a FS1E. and after a bit of showboating he offered a few of us a go. when it came to me I didnt want to look bad by saying I had no idea how to ride one.(how hard could it be) suffice to say no one pointed out how to stop the thing. what did stop me was a sandstone walled bridge. totalled the bike  ripped my leg up and tested our friendship. we laugh now  but I wont let him near my car.

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