
"Sweet Iron" bits explain please?

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Ok I was given a spoon bit that has what is called sweet iron. It looks like Number 15 in this page

At the bottom of the page it says they rust, I was told it won't harm the horse, but mine looks rusty. I tried to switch to another bit similar style to it but it's not "sweet Iron", when i use the new bit my horse gets upset(pins ears back and tries to buck) But as soon as I give his old sweet iron bit he does fine. I don't know what to do, should I keep him with the rusty sweet iron but, to me the rust would harm him? Please Help!!




  1. The above gave a great answer.

    Horses LOVE the taste of rust, Id keep him on the one that he likes to keep him happy. :-)

  2. LOL! I'm just going to say that the people so far have been right. Young horses, as well as old love the taste of the rust and it doesn't hurt them one bit. I love the person that told you to get a tom thumb or curb bit because they are more gentle, when actually they are not. Snaffle bits are ALOT more gentle then curb bits because they move with the horse. ANYWAYS....Sweet Iron bits are great and do not harm your horse.

  3. Go to your local like auto store or even a department store and buy steal wool and metal polish. put the metal polish on the steal wool and rub the bit until the rust comes off.

    It works very well and polishs the bit up so it looks new.

    my question is why are you using that bit on your horse?

    What do you think that that bit is doing for him?

    You ride western i take it, but can't you find another sweet iron bit that isn't as harsh-like a simple curb or tom thumb or maybe a hackmore?

  4. Sweet Iron bits are brilliant and perfectly safe, I use one on my girl and so do quite a few of my friends. I clean mine as I would clean any other.

    If your horse likes it and it sounds like that's what he's telling you, then stick to it. They wouldn't be able to be made and sold if they were dangerous for your horse. :)

  5. Stainless or metal bits cold, hard and like having a piece of hollow metal in the mouth.

    Sweet iron on the other hand as it patinas (rusts) give off a sweet taste in the horses mouth.  It is also a solid bit.  

    Copper inlays in a bit encourages salivation and thus a "soft mouth"..not hard and dry.

    Your horse is just proving a point !!  Keep him happy and going right with a bit he likes.  Many people go through many a bit to find the right one.  As they say, "if it works, don't fix it"...finally, rust has a purpose in the world!!

    And, another food for thought..look at how we are not supposed to "cook" with copper..but yet it is harmless in the horses mouth and can be a good thing!!

    It is perfectly safe!!


    Coming "here" to Y/A will not solve your issue but rather confuse you you can see.  Everyone has an opinion...if you are looking for the answer that agrees with your concern, I'm sure it will be here soon..but that does not mean it is the right or wrong answer.

    If you've done the research and believe in the sources that you read from...then make your own opinion and do what you feel is best for your horse, although the proof is in the pudding of his reaction.  Already someone is questioning the bit you are using which has nothing at all to do with your question and is a whole new can of worms about to be opened....."the great debate on bits".

    Some bits seem traditional with certain breeds of horses.  The fancy silver bits used on Arabs, also are the same type of bit and many have the same head carriage as a Paso.  In Saddlebreds, it is "traditional" to use a double bridle...and in the proper hands with proper no worse than someone riding in a hackamore with a cable nose piece and the horse ending up with an indentation or major cut on their face.

    Good Luck!!

    ***EDIT TO EDIT*****

    GOOD!!  You can always clean it up a little any bit should be washed off after use..especially with as many ribs and crevices yours has!! Another thing is I bet he just loves playing around with all those copper rollers in his mouth!! Slobber, slobber //*-*\\  he he

    Happy mouth=Happy Horse= even Happier Rider!!

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