
"Symptoms" question related to miscarriage.....?

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So, it seems like I tried forever to get pregnant and now I am one month along. I'm so paranoid about losing this precious gift, that I can't stop worrying about losing it.

Heres my question: I've had cramps and bloating (the only pregnancy signs I've had to deal with thus far) since I was first declared officially preggo, and now the symptoms have all of a sudden just stopped. Should I worry when the symptoms go away, or just be thankful for the break and wait for the next onslaught?? :)





  1. Cramps and bloating are perfectly normal in pregnancy. It's when you get extremely bad cramps and bleeding that you need to worry about a miscarriage. This is my third pregnancy (I miscarried on my second) and on both this and my first I had cramping and bloating and they eventually did go away... then I started getting pains from stretching and such! ;) Don't get too stressed out over it. Be happy that you're pregnant and enjoy it! Good luck and congratulations!

  2. Honey some people don't get symptoms at all and the one's that do  usually will come full force at around 6-10 weeks.  I know the 1st trimester sucks...all the waiting and if your 'lucky' enough you get to deal with the symptoms  Just try to enjoy the fact that you are prego and congratulations!!  Have you been to the dr yet?  If you get really concerned just have your blood levels checked.  But lack of symptoms at 4weeks is nothing to be concerned with.  Good luck!  

  3. Just be thankful that they have stopped! Unless the doctor tells you that you have something to worry about then just enjoy the next few month. Congrats!

  4. Be thankful. You are just having a break and you should relax and prepare for whatever changes your body will start to go through. You should go to the ER if you have any of the symptoms listed by the link. Good luck and I have prayed for you.  

  5. First take a deep breath.  Your body is going to go through many changes in the next 9 months.  While people tell you not to worry, it is impossible not to.  Mainly becuase you had a hard time getting pregnant.  The best thing you can do is pay attention to your body.  If your body is telling you you are pushing too hard, slow down.....  If you are bleeding call the dr immediatly.  There is really nothing you can do to prevent a miscarriage, but keeping positive can help.  Good luck

  6. Please, please, please don't worry!  Worrying can harm the baby more than anything else!  Just enjoy your pregnancy and don't even think about miscarriage!  Don't even research it on the internet because that will make you worry more (I know by experience). :)  Anyway, I think you are just fine.  Unless you see red bleeding or severe cramping you have nothing to worry about.  Congratulations on your pregnancy and try to stay calm!  

  7. Be thankful for the break.  Don't worry, be happy - symptoms tell nothing about miscarriage vs. not - some women get horrible morning sickness and some don't - it has nothing to do with whether they miscarry or not.

    Here's some facts:

    Miscarriages are usually caused by a problem with the baby - for some reason the baby has problems or isn't developing correctly and the mother's body recognizes it an initiate miscarriage.

    Then sometimes there's those women who are prone to miscarriage.  This may be because they're prone to having babies with problems early on or their bodies get the message wrong.

    Either way, a miscarriage is usually something you can't influence at all in any way, so don't worry about it.

  8. Be thankful for the gift and be thankful for the break you got!!

    Not everyone has cramping and those that do, do not always have it for long. And then some people (like me) have it here and there.

    Congratulations on your pregnancy!

  9. If you had a miscarriage you would have heavy bleeding with big clots, very painful lower back pain and cramps, vomiting etc. I've known some people who had early miscarriages and even early on you will be sure it isn't just your period.

  10. The cramping you experienced was probably implantation cramping.  I am now 8 wks pregnant and I had the same cramping thru about 4-5 wks pregnant.  Good luck and try to stay positive

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