
"The American Dream"...the white mans goal that the ***** can't reach.....?

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My interpretation of the “American Dream” is finishing high school, going to college, getting married, and owning a home. So why is it that the African is at the bottom of everyone of these categories but at the top of the incarcerated list. Locked up like animals especically our strong men), the race who build this country and gave the white men the ability to have this “dream.” but it seems like the only thing we see in our future is a simple job at wal*mar, poverty, and a whole bunch of discrimination and stereotypes that we set ourselves up for. My beautiful brothers and sisters, remember it was a women of our color who birth the world, our home land that is filled with great wealth, and our antecessors that build America . So do not be afraid to achieve your dream not matter how far away it may seem. It is rightfully yours, you see my people, we made the “American Dream.”




  1. I think it's more of a class issue.  There are plenty of white people working at Wal-Mart, and they're not all stupid and lazy either.

    Do you really think that all whites are born with trust funds or something?  I mean seriously?  It blows my mind.

  2. Keep up with your defeatist attitude and you will be asking paper or plastic at your local Walmart.

    Everything is a little messed up but getting better every day.

    Work hard and you can have the American Dream.

    Keep complaining about the past instead of learning from it and doing what you can to change and overcome it and you will not go very far.

  3. when abraham lincoln ended slavery the us government being sneaky ******* snakes that they r decided to make the jim crowe laws designed to not only segregate but also to literally keep the african american race down for another hundred years. there is also a documentary online that has video evidence of a man testifying who worked for the us army that a us army cargo plane was packed and loaded with 2 TONS of cocaine. the govt introduced crack to the ghetto to keeep the black poeple down. america only works out for u if ur rich or more importantly , WHITE.

    about 10,000 white poeple got busted for marijuana in nyc in 2007. compare that to the total number of 700,000


  4. Not all white people are living the American dream, either.  

  5. all those people are right if u want somethin like the "american dream" u gotta make things happen and work hard and all that good stuff.but they are all being very naive and pretending that racism doesnt still exist to a degree.when things like what happened to the JENA6  are still happening in 2008,when blk ppl are bein chained 2 pick up trucks and dragged thru the streets, and interracial relationships/children are still amazing like we arent all ppl b4 we are races. so most black ppl would like to "stop playing the race card " , but u if these things are still happening then u gotta call it like u see it.

  6. Stop playing the d**n race card. It's 2008.

    There are just as many white people out there that didn't go to college and don't own a home as there are people of other creeds. I've heard your racist rant so many times from angry people just like you that it makes me sick. Everyone, regardless of race, has the ability to live the “American Dream”, but it’s up to the individual to make it happen.

  7. I am black and most of my family has gone to school and college and owns homes.  I have also seen extremely poor whites who had not.  By the way, I don't think your black because you say "the African" like you are not.  Stop spreading racial stereotypes.

  8. actually, its Men, Mans dosen't exist

  9. My opinion is a person must live for the future not expect accommodations for the past. A person of whatever race or s*x must change the actions of the past and stop perpetuating the downfall of past societies.  

    Learning of past mistakes and triumphs are a great way of adjusting policies and behaviors in the present and in the future.

    The American Dream is subjective, it is whatever you want not what I want for you.

  10. That's some funny stuff...

  11. black people have made it already

    Portrayal Of Obama As Snob Hailed As Step Forward For Blacks

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