
"The Carousel" Thoughts please?

by  |  earlier

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Still hacking away at this one, let me know your thoughts


The Carousel whirls

Its frail familiarity

Leaves me stricken

The mirrored glass

Reflects my pain

It moves once more

And I am chosen

Bound among faux

Flax colored strands

The rise and fall

Your gold impalements

A beautiful guise

A visage that cracked

Revealing the truth

Your sour perfume

It’s all too human

It has broken me

Now I beg for exit

From wide eyed gazes

Dead black orbs

Perpetually frozen

Where nothing changes

Unrelenting Carousel

Nausea in my pit

Your dizzying spectacle

Of earnest tricks

And spiraling lights

Of sharpening tings

That ring in my throat

Sending epileptic vibes

Through my finger tips

Your hypnotic gaze

Drew out my naivety

And it’s much too late

I chose to stay

I’ll reap the consequence




  1. "Hi!"

    Well you already heard what I got to say from your previous post. So all I have to say is... It's Bloody Good.


    Cheers : )

    P.S: I told you, you would have a better respons at this time.

    It was completely dead earlier, when you posted your last one. It's 2: 58 am in Australia right now. I'll say good night as I am going to bed soon. CYA

  2. Thoughts of broken heart..dark pictures drawn by a Scorpio.. They love so much.. willing to live in pain..and reap the consequences ..which is nothing but more pain. wow!

  3. Powerful imagery, familiar yet bizarre, makes this an outstanding poem. The lines flow gracefully  and there is careful clarity in the meaning.  I love this.  Thank you.

  4. The Blue Room,

    If this is what you hack out, you would scare me on the level of a daily basis... sometimes when I read soliloques like these on YA, I cringe because each stanza pulls you in a different direction and when the end comes, it's so far away from the start that it ain't even in the same zip code! You definitely show them how it's done... Grade AAA ++

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