
"The Secret" whats your opinions or experiences.?

by  |  earlier

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i was just curios what other people think about the law of attraction and that stuff. thankss =]




  1. omg...if you haven't been converted,it's phenomenal i think,at least,for much so that it's becoming scary. My best friend passed me the cd during a low point in my life and after a few weeks of hoarding it,i finally watched it.At first it seemed a bit "oh really..." for me,but after a while my moods improved.i became less angry,more positive,and more happy. and the best thing is that i feel like i can do so many things now and that nothing can stop me,but myself. with that said,i've ticked off most of my goals in my list and i have more lined up to be achieved.and i too am now known among my friends as 'miss universe'.because apparently whenever i 'summon' the universe,i get what i asked for...with that said,i tend to be careful about what i wish for these days...

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