
"The Talk" did you bring it up [parents] or did your child bring it up?

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"The Talk" did you bring it up [parents] or did your child bring it up?




  1. never had it with my parents, but when i have kids il bring it up with them

  2. We initiated it. Kids need it to come from thier parents not a health class. Being honest with your kids is the most important part of being a parent. Its better they hear/learn about life from you than from some stranger and maybe learn the wrong things. Because of this we couldnt be closer with our daughter, she comes to us all the time about questions about s*x, relationship, dating, pregnancy, whatever. We are just honest as can be and help her make the right choices for her age/ herself.

  3. My mom has talked to me but only in a  general way. I learned almost everything from the internet, movies & magazines.

  4. Never had it. Was watching a soapie with my mom one day (I was about 16) and this chick who was supposed to not be able to have kids got pregnant ... I said "how did that happen?" and my mother looked at me ... asked "don't you know?" I said "I know". End of "the Talk".

  5. nvr got 'the talk'. learned from friends.

  6. I never really had 'the talk', I just learned from friends/school...and by the time My mom decided to talk to me..It was much too late for ANY sort of talk.

  7. Hmm my mom just always talked about once I started talking about my friend dating this boy or having a crush on this boy. She always talked about it from the age of about 11 on. She always talked about it in the car it seemed because it was the perfect time for us to be alone.

    Once my best friend started staying over to hide being pregnant from her age 14. My dad really got talkative about the subject. He made me promise no matter what time in my life he would be the first to know (besides husband now since I'm older) because it was so important that that I take care of myself and his grandbaby and he promised to help always and never yell.

  8. I never had it I just learned from school.

  9. Never had it. I found out from the internet and from friends and at s*x education at school but i think  i still know the facts.

  10. im would never bring it up. my mom did and know she wants to have another one becus im goin to college. all i can say is im not lookin forward to it becus im gonna hav to do a lot of lying

  11. I never got 'The Talk'. My Mum was always avoided that topic. If an ad came on the radio for premature ejaculation, the channel would be changed faster than you could imagine. s*x was never brought up in my household.

    I learned from friends, health class and internet. I don't think it did me too much harm. I still valued my virginity. However, when I have children I will make s*x an open topic in our house. I would much rather know that my children were doing it safely than them going behind my back and not having access to protection.


  12. Well SOMEONE has to bring it up.

    I think I was the one who asked, but I was REALLY young so I don't really remember. As far as I know I've known how babies work just about my entire life.

  13. I brought it up, my mom and i can talk about anything... but i mostly learned everything from friends, internet, my common sense etc. My mom didn't teach me anything!

  14. The talk isn't a tradition any more nowadays :( with the internet and all kids can find and discover anything these days. But still, usually its the kids bringing the talk up, homework related and stuff or just out of curiosity or sometimes when the parents decides that the child is old enough... they all work, we end up knowing what happens anyways :]

  15. I tried to bring it up with my kids, but they were far too embarrassed to speak about it, so I just left it to the school. When I was growing up, my parents never spoke to me about it at all - I just got a book and was told to read it! lol Its kind of awkward, I agree, but I think its best if parents talk about it, because then they can answer questions that maybe the kids would be too shy to ask in school.

  16. Same as Najjman.. I never talked to my parents about, too wierd!

  17. I was eight and it was the farthest thing from my mind, but my mom had gotten a book and we sat down and read it, and that was my talk.

    My kids won't have the talk that early, but if they don't ask by 11, I'm sitting them down and telling them, because they need to know.

  18. it's been an on going conversation since my daughter was 4 (she's 11 1/2 now) I refused to let her go uneducated like my mom did to me.  The last place I want her to hear about this stuff is school...

  19. Never had it. Found out in health class and the rest from friends and internet.

  20. I never had the talk. But if I were your parents, I would have the talk with you. You are only 15 with a 23 year old boyfriend? My boyfriend is 23 but I'm turning 17 in a few weeks and that's the age of consent in NY.

  21. I've had the talk about four times. I brought it up when i was about three, and then again when I was eleven and in health class. The other time were when I was caught with my boyfriend, and my parents brought it up.

  22. My talk was like this " mom, i had s*x"

    she never sat me down and had the talk..

  23. I'm not a parent yet but my parents just pretty much blurted it out one day. You know the whole "Bird and the Bee's"

    Right time is around 12/13 I suppose

  24. my son is only three, but when the time is right, I will bring it up.

  25. We had an ongoing casual conversation about it for years... my husband and I initiated it.

  26. my mom brought it up.

    we had just done the health unit in 6th grade, and she decided to give me a talk of her own while we were in the car.

    the right age would be like, 11 or 12. no younger than 10, is all i'm saying. you don't want to freak out little kids.

  27. My parents started bringing up minor things around 6th grade (having a crush, kissing, etc) and prior to 8th grade they actually talked to me about s*x since 8th grade is when s*x education started at my public school. I have a younger sister and brother and ever since my parents had the "talk" with me we've just been very open about it. If we had question we asked - and occassionally they would ask if we wanted to talk. I think keeping an open mind is essential in getting kids to listen. Unfortunately - I also think kids today need to hear it earlier :-(

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