
"The brightness of her cheek would shame those stars." Help?

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I'm analysing some quotations for my english homework on Romeo and Juliet, but I'm having some difficulty with this one. We are meant to look at the 'romantic imagery' and analyise the quotation, but I'm stuck. Can anyone help please?

By the way, the quote is from Romeo, and its at the balcony scene: Act 2 Scene 2.




  1. Hmm. I guess the romantic imagery in this quote is where he compares her beauty to the stars; the brightness of the stars would pale in comparison to Juliet's beauty so much so that the stars would be ashamed to be compared with her.

  2. Well the definition of imagery is any series of words used to create a mental image, figure, or likeness of a person, place or thing. It is intended to make the reader feel more interested and more emotionally involved in the work by creating a mental image of the subject.

    So for this quote the romantic imagery is the comparison of Juliet's cheek to stars. This is romantic imagery because you actually can visualize how bright her cheek is, you picture Juliet's cheek brighter than stars. This puts an actual picture in your head. In this scene Romeo compares Juliet to other apects of nature as well, the sun, the moon, etc.

    Hope this helped!

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