
"The ends justify the means"... do you believe in this?

by  |  earlier

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@ FTL...dude seriously, don't copy and paste and if u do, atleast give the source...




  1. If you do believe that, what is the moral basis for believing so? Do you believe that killing hundreds of thousands of innocent and few not-so-innocent Afghans and Iraqi's, as well as placing your own people (Americans) in harm's way getting them killed is morally justifiable on the basis that it might make majority of Americans safe


  2. I do not

    This is in Arabic (الغاية تبرر الوسيلة

    It is not always applicable.  There r some illegal means which comes out with good end,  but still can't be justified Islamicaly.  The Islamic attitude in this regard consider the means some time more then the ends.

    This is the basic principal in which the  theory of capitalism was build.  get more pleasures and avoid more pains  without considering the means and it is such kind of selfishness.

    so in Islam means must be right and the end will be right accordingly  this is the justice of Islam.    

  3. I believe in it only when it does not involve oppression and/or transgression of the limits set forth by Allah swt.

  4. i do not believe in this theory of thought.

  5. There is much inbetween that has to be dealt with toget tot he end.

    If the means is in goodness they it is justified.

    If its in error it will be justified on his time.

    If the means is in good intention then its justified.  All your entire Ramadan section answers all go back to INTENTION!

  6. The imam at my local masjid said this is a bad philosophy. There is no gray area about what is right or wrong. If you do something bad, you will be held accountable for it, and the possible "good" ending does not clear it. There's always a possibility of being forgiven though. Allah swt is Most Forgiving, Most Merciful.  

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