
"The other Al Gore - has he done more ecological damage than Bush?"?

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Probably no individual person has contributed as much to minimalize the international climatic politics as Al Gore has, who is now celebrated as an ecological hero ... As vice-president of the USA he did everything, in order to bring the Kyoto Protocole down on a minimal level which would be acceptale for the congress in Washington. Despite these efforts the congress did not ratify Kyoto, so that we today have a thoroughly US-dominated climatic agreement without the USA - a climatic agreement that is nearly teethless, so that it was useless that the countries signed it at all. In particular the trade with environmental certificates (supported by Saint Gore) must be fought. Kyoto solves nothing, but shifts the practical measures of the rich on to the poor coand this is indeed colonial.

Al Gore as Nobel peace prize winner - one could laugh at it if it were not for crying.





  1. Al is a charlatan.

  2. yes

  3. Why doesn't he pressure China then? The biggest polluter ever? Why does he fly private jets, using more fuel than other Americans? Why is his house heating bill as high as it is? He is full of it

    He tells Americans to HANDWASH? The why does he have servants that dry clean for him..?

    Much ado about nothing!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Vice President Al Gore was a main participant in putting the Kyoto Protocol together in 1997. President Bill Clinton signed the agreement in 1997, but the US Senate refused to ratify it, citing potential damage to the US economy required by compliance. The Senate also balked at the agreement because it excluded certain developing countries, including India and China, from having to comply with new emissions standards.*

  5. Inside the beltway- No one thinks that you are smart enough to figure this out. How many more of us are out here. Scary isn't it?

  6. Its funny about Gore - do a background check or google him and see what companies he chairs. Then ask yourself how what he is doing may help the major companies he chairs and has investments in. I think you may be surprised.

  7. Why do Fox News pundits think poor people have a voice?

    Al Gore is too rich to advocate for global warming BECAUSE he has a big house!

    Same with John Edwards - he's not poor enough to advocate for the working class BECAUSE he has a big house!

    And some people believe this "logic"!!  

    Fox News pundits - and corporate media in general - represent the interests of their corporate sponsors!  like the Insurance and Pharma industries that John Edwards has fought for the little guys - and WON!

    Hey - Fox News viewers - you can't believe everything on TV.

  8. Great question, but more of a statement. I wonder how much Gore paid for his award, why doesn`t he put his own house in order first? America is the biggest polluter, funny how the US didn`t sign up for the Kyoto agreement, but Gore is busy flying round the world making a size fourteen carbon footprint telling us what we already know. You couldn`t make it up.

  9. Al Gore did a lot for the cause of "Global Warming" and he should get credit for all that he has done. The Kyoto Protocol was a good instrument that would have helped nations deal with environmental problems. The Bush administration and large US corporations opposed the measure on economic considerations. In a democracy, everyone has a say. The little man as well as the big men.

    There appears to be no political candidate, Democrat or Republican, qualified to be our next President. Not Guliani, Clinton, McCain, or Obama. No one, though many candidates look attractive.

    It is up to our current candidates to develop good positions to convince us the voters.

    As to environmental problems, the next US President, in order to be effective, needs to learn/work well with other foreign heads of state. So, this is another measure that voters can use to gauge as to whom to vote for in November.

    Bush's term is over, so damage control, one would therefore assume, done by Bush supporters, would be geared to preventing criminal indictments from coming up against our current administration. Is this and could this be considered as interfering with the process of law? If so, greater penalties should and can be imposed against the Bush administration!

    People don't hide, when they are not guilty!





  10. Al Gore is not responsible for this mess although he has made it a personal agenda. We as people need to pay more attention to what SCIENTIST'S think instead of POLITICIANS.

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