
"The perfect v****a" documentary and a question?

by  |  earlier

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Did anyone see the girl who was getting surgery done on her labia? Well, mine look like hers (identical) and I don't like them at all. I can't afford surgery and I'd like to know how can I begin to like them.I dislike my v****a!!! need advice.. please?




  1. Its in your head , ask any guy , Im sure he would agree , the last thing you want do with a v****a is study it ,lots more fun things to with said part of the body !

  2. without seeing i don't have any opinion..

  3. I did see that documentary and i understand your concerns. But i felt a lot better when they showed that wall of all the plaster castings of vaginas that he'd done - did you see that? There was so many variations. I also didn't realise what a horrible operation it was, i mean that girl was in loads of pain when he was stitching her, and the stitches were huge and ugly. At the end of the day the only people who are going to see it are medical people, and people that you have s*x with. Medical people ain't gonna be bothered and if you sleep with only nice people that have a bit of common sense, then you shouldn't have a problem.

  4. Well if it helps i thought the girl who was shown had a perfectly fine v****a. I can see why it might bother her with the stereotype perfect v****a but to me it was normal and she shouldn't have been ashamed.

  5. You say you can't afford it. You may not be able to all at once, but if I can save for a vacation, you can save for a labiaplasty. It will cost from $3000-$5000. Once you start saving, you may be surprised how good luck can come your way with big chunks of $ that you can put in your little cookie (or coochie) jar.  

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