
"Thieves cheat Girl Scouts with counterfeit $100 bill" anyone else think this is funny?

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  1. I do since the Girl Scouts have been cheating all of us with their outrageously high priced cookies for years! About time somebody got them back!

  2. Obviously not, but if I had to counterfeit a note, I would choose a lower denomination - you are more likely to get caught with 50's and 100's (see how they inspect them in many darkened nightclubs - and even some shops).

    I didn't think it was common any more with the super-advanced techniques used, one of which is feel - so if a note 'feels wrong', it is. Too hard! (unless you had a stock of the paper they used, which is especially designed and made for the mint, and guarded as if it were cash).

    This is serious - is bad as cheating on taxes (which is far worse than multiple murder). Any chance there were cameras about which might have caught his image. The Feds would LOVE to have a lengthy 'special' chat with him (or her), in a darkened room - mood lighting ...

    I assume the cops WERE informed as soon as it was found?

    DIT: To those who complain about the price - DON"T buy them. Easy. Plus, they do it basically as an income for themselves, which I think is a charity. No ulterior motive or conspriacy thories please. They  do far more good tham harm, leave then alone.

  3. What I wonder is how did those girls force you to buy them?

  4. No, I think it is sad.

  5. "I do since the Girl Scouts have been cheating all of us with their outrageously high priced cookies for years! About time somebody got them back!"

    Really?!  So are you not aware that Girl Scouts is a non-profit organization and that cookie sales are what enable girls around the world who can't afford to go on camping trips (something that some low income kids will never get to do outside of scouts, for many it's their first experience hiking, camping, etc.) or buy uniforms (which many kids love and take pride in) or do things that help others (like buying Christmas gifts, or books or school supplies)?   Or do you simply despise girls and delight that someone stuck it to those kids and stole from them?  

    I hope it's the former.

  6. The most hilarious thing to me, is the further evidence of US idiocy revealed by the spelling of thieves as theives by CBS a major corporation whose business is English communication.  Are you an immigrant? You got it right!

  7. What is this world coming too....=\

  8. no, it's not funny.  the people who think it is funny because the cookies are expensive need to be pitied.  they were never FORCED to buy them.

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