
"This link is not authorized by Yahoo! "message when clicking on a newsarticle in MyYahoo. Never happened B4?

by  |  earlier

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In MyYahoo, the above message appears only when polling a local newspaper article. It has never happened before. I am not aware of any new downloads that may have altered settings on browser. When clicking to continue the message "The page isn't redirecting properly. Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete." Is this an issue with the papers website?

* This problem can sometimes be caused by disabling or refusing to accept





  1. You may have answered your own question. Does everything work properly if you enable/accept cookies?

    I'm not a Firefox user, but the cookies thing could be the problem. It could also be a security setting issue within Firefox. I know they've been trying to swat some pretty major security bugs. It almost sounds as if Firefox is detecting what it considers a "shady" redirect (a technique used by viruses and spyware) and warning you about it.

    You might also try updating Firefox to the latest version - maybe this is a bug in the version you're running.

    If these things don't work, I too would suspect the newspaper's website (maybe it was compromised by malware?).

    Add more info if any of this fails to fix your problem and I'll be glad to look into it further.

    Good luck.

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