
"To be free, one must be chained"?

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In one of my classes we discussed this quote and i was wondering what it meant to you?




  1. In terms of law, I'd think that it means that for everyone to be "free", like in America, certain rules have to be followed or the people have to be chained.

    Besides law, I'd say that it means that in this physical world, it's impossible to be free because by being a human, we have limitations and innate rules that we don't ever cross.

  2. You have to be chained to want to break free. You need to be a prisoner to want your freedom.

  3. You must be chained to be able to taste and cherish freedom.  Plato's Allegory of the Cave describes how men were chained to this cave where they saw only shadows created by the gods, that was what they believed was real for that was all they knew, but if a man was to be freed from this cave he would venture to see the light (to be enlightened) and so he is free but when he goes back to try and explain this to the others they scoff at him since they are chained and can only see what is shown to them they are not free to see.

    When a person is free they are really only so free, they are still restricted by the burdens of life (taxes, laws, governments, etc...) I may be free but to an extent I am chained by this US government to behave in a certain lest I wish to be jailed or fined.

  4. Only once restrained from humanly freedom can one begin to appreciate and embrace true freedom, that we take for granted everyday.

  5. well i don't know about an application in law (something i don't know too much about) but when chained and when your choices are being made by another, you are free from responsibility and choice, something that some people find quite confining.

  6. Some boundaries must be set up, defining the limits of freedom. Freedom has to be defined first. Freedom is subjective, so a compromise or simply laws are put in place for the well being of the general populace (well??) & taking into consideration all the views (well???).

    Am I free to punch someone in the face b/c I feel like it. Should people be openly allowed to smoke dope. Should people be allow to worship freely or only one religion be imposed.

    If everyone was let lose their be havoc in the world, for that reason since the dawn of time, some rules have been implemented to define the spectrum of freedoms. Of course these solely depend on each culture, country, state and even differ in times. Even religions set some boundaries, as to what someone is free to do or not.

    So guideline must be set to define limitations of freedom, at least best compromise possible. So society can live in civility and freedom. Trust me if all chains are broken and every individual is free to do what ever he/she wants - soon freedom will lose its meaning!

  7. ...enslavement to an addiction of...


  9. That's a silly quote, lacking any meaning, insight, or relevance.

    If you are the one paying your tuition, ask for your money back.  Your "teacher" is wasting your time, and should be giving you something for your money.

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