
"We're" Pregnant? No, SHE'S Pregnant. Huh??

by  |  earlier

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What is up with people saying "we're" pregnant? He isn't pregnant, she is. I understand the importance of having a child, and that it's a two-person ordeal, but isn't that taking it a bit far? What's wrong with "We're having a baby"? Or "I'm pregant" or "she's pregnant"? Just hearing "We're pregnant" sound so stupid. I feel a firestorm coming, but I'm asking anyway. Just a pet peeve. I know it's trivial, but it irks me every time I hear that.....What are your thoughts?????




  1. well you actually are both me you will know when you have a wife thats pregnant have to deal with ALL her emotions and it is very much a two way  street ......shes just doing the hard part......

  2. It is trivial and you need to get over it. I say "We're pregnant" all the time, simply because this is my husbands child too, and I want him to be a part of this pregnancy as much as he can be. It is just what I say, nothing much to it.

  3. They probably both feel like they're having a baby

  4. I think "were pregnant" sounds more personal and makes it sounds more of a couple thing rather than just "shes pregnant". Makes the father feel more a part of it, or more involved I guess.

    Not necessarily one of my pet peeves...but to each their own! :0)

  5. As a mom of five kids, I'd just look at the man and say "Oh yeah.. and how many stretch marks have YOU gotten?""

  6. OH...thats a pet peeve of mine too!

    Once WE go thru all the changes that pregnancy brings, then WE can say WE'RE pregnant. Until then...SHE is pregnant!

  7. It`s usually the woman saying "we`re pregnant" and she says it all cutesie too because they were trying for some time. And sure, it`s annoying because they`re all prepared and already have a house and their plan of life is going just how it should. Obviously "she" is in charge and her poor hubby is just a doormat working so she can live her dream. it Irks me too!

    Some of us just got pregnant without really trying to, sure we were already married, renting a 2 bedroom house, were not planning for more at the time, but it just happened, then we "suddenly" had to get another bedroom, or buy a house, struggle along day to day.......

  8. Well yes actually..your having a baby together, and its both your baby.... so i said we are having a baby. obviously it doesnt mean you are both pregnant, it means you are doing it 'together'!

    i guess you have never been pregnant?

    i dont mind it at all....i probably said it too!

  9. I always think it sounds weird when people say 'Were pregnant' Id always say, Im pregnant or Were having a baby. It just sounds odd otherwise. I know the man played a big part in the baby been concived but the woman is the one that has to carry that baby for 9 (10..) Months, Has to go through morning sickness, Mood swings, blood tests & the actuall birth, The man just gets to sit back whilst we do all the work!!

    Back to the point...I always have a little laugh to myself when i hear 'Were pregnant' ]

    I see thumbs down coming :-p Lol.

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