
"We try to be different by being the same." Any thoughts?

by  |  earlier

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My professor once said that quote during lecture and it has stuck with me. I was curious to see your opinions on this statement.




  1. It's a word paradox.

    Put it this way: if you were the same with something, then you cannot be different.

    If an apple is an apple, then how are they different?

  2. We try to differ from some by being like others.

  3. I think that it means everybody tries to act like everyone else to fit in, but they all have different thoughts about it, and they try to be the center of attention by acting exactly the same as everbody else, but they think that they are the most unique.

  4. I don't think the quote makes sense.

    Being the same and different at the same time is a contradiction

  5. I agree

  6. Instead of being introspective, we seek to change the world around us to better suit our own needs and/or desires.

    Like Gandhi advised, "Be the change you want to see in the world."

    That quote was not verbatim and I may have completely misconstrued his witticism, but it gets across the basic idea that change must come from within.

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