
"What does Demandez moi dehors mean? (french)"?

by  |  earlier

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it's in french




  1. yes it is............... as u write it, it means ask me (something) outside !!

    Ask me means a date

  2. It means "ask me out" but out means more... outside.

    "Voulez vous sortir avec moi?" is more appropriate.

    If you plug in "ask me out" into a translator, it will give you "Demandez moi dehors" which is probably what the person who sent you that did.

  3. Ask me outside.

  4. Ask me out.

  5. It means "ask me outside". So if u were asking someone a question in a bar or something, it was obviously too noisy and he wanted to go outside.

  6. if your'e asking for a date this is not the proper question.

    If you say: "demandez moi dehors?" to a french man, he won't understand you.

    the proper question would be:

    Voulez vous sortir avec moi?

    it can be translate to:

    do you want to go out with me?

    hope this helps, if not just ask again with more details

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