
"Why I love Arabia"?

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If you are to write few words about the above..what would they be?




  1. my prophet

  2. ......since you said only few's mine...

    Saudi Arabia is the land of promise. It is also the land of milk and honey for some and a land that is full of diversities. A land full of mystery and it is very rich in culture and traditions thats why I love Arabia.....

  3. hmmmm, it's a tough question.

    Arabia is sand, sea and heat, so environmentally it fails to impress because people prefer green meadows, rivers and lakes and nice weather.

    Arabia mostly depends on oil and nothing else, so economically  it fails to impress because oil is something we did not make an effort to get it unlike other nations which they worked hard for generations to build their economy.

    Arabia is divided into a lot of countries compared to its geographic size, and although these countries share the same religion, language, history, heritage, looks, culture and tradition but they failed to form any sort of unity between them,  so again it fails to impress.

    Dont get me wrong I don't hate Arabia I just say the truth.

    The things that do impress me are Mekkah and Medina for their holy place in my heart.

  4. Who r u. What compel u to ask this. Its one's own choice what he/she loves or hate. Anyway, if u mean Saudi Arabia, it is a good proparous country. As an Indian I can say that our relations r also very good with Saudi Arabia. So many Indians r working there, as far as trades concern, its on high, why not, we should respect it

  5. i'm a saudi woman from answer your question seemed so simple at first, however the moment i placed my fingers over the keyboard to answer...i failed...i froze...a billion and one thing shot thru my head...and i was unable to summarize the reason i love saudi arabia...the sense of warmth...the family oriented atmosphere...the ancient souqs and modern malls...the deep red sea, the caves and mountains...the overall sense of "no rush" even the annoying laid back approach in schools and work seems dear to my heart, seeing the men in white thoubs and women in black modest but highly fashionable abayas..the smell of "Jurak"shisha and "mua'assel" argeela in homes and cafes....the alluring smell of Bakhoor and 3oud....cardamom and saffron...arabic coffee and the never ending variety of dates and sweets...the hospitality and generosity ...the chaos of jeddahs streets...the beat of saudi and gulf songs...the lyrics and poems...the cold nights by the fire in traditional tents when camping in the dessert while light showers drip around us...the jealousy and shivery of arabian men at such a young age....the wisdom and beauty of Arabian women....the sense of fitting in and belonging right from the get-go....the privacy and mystery we cherish so much...i'm afraid we're losing alot of it globalization? or is it that we failed to pass it all to the next generations of arabs? i don't know...and i can't describe why i love's just that i can't breathe unless i'm there...i can only sleep and relax there...with all its faults and's the only place i would want to be in...The only place i would start a family in and raise my kids...i guess its life to me...
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