
"Why are all you Kyle Busch fans pissed? What's a matter , truth hurt?

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He know's he wrecked Jr, and so do you? You're right let's move on.




  1. They're pissed because all 10 fans of Kyle Busch think that it wasn't Kyle's fault!

  2. Jr was as much at fault as Kyle was,  "Just hard racing" Jr's words.

  3. Monday night on "This week in Nascar" Michael Waltrip said it best. He said "Accident, intentional or unintentional, Kyle Busch screwed up."

  4. It was a racing accident.  I'm a Jr fan.  Jr even said so.

  5. the "SHRUB" has fans, can u count to, moving on

  6. sorry, we Jr. fans tend to get a little carried away. Busch should watch out though, what goes around, comes around. Busch will get his next time Jr. and Busch come side by side.

  7. what are you smokin

    jr said in his post race interview that it was partly his fault he cut down on kyle causing him to get lose

    but i guess the jr fans missed that part

  8. Kyle is getting blamed for something he doesnt think he did. Jr. knows he didnt, and America knows. Then there are just certain people that want to believe otherwise. At first I was thinking it was intentional then I watched the replay and listened to all the newscasters and then thought about it. I'm thinking it was just hard racing and an unfortunate event occurred. Kyle Busch was used to all the hatred anyhow, he does alot of things people dont like to begin with so this just adds to the fire.

  9. No, the truth doens't hurt.. neither does a bunch of ignorant Junior fans who can't seem to listen to their own driver.

    It was a racing incident..and I'm over it.. How about the Jr. fans get over it.. It ain't Shrub's fault he ain't won in two years..

  10. Replay after Replay after replay showed that Busch's car got loose when JR. got too close in the turn. If you want to get real technical the cause of the wreck was Jr. But since Jr. is the prize of the day then it can never be his fault.

    Buy the weigh, I am a fan of neither driver....

    In response to the guy that wondered if the Jr. fans missed the Jr. comment???? They still think he is wearing a Bud they are helping Bud still...Maybe too much???

  11. i was so pissed when it happened but afterwards when i cooled down i realized that thats just racing. what this proves to me is that junior will win this year

  12. I am not a fan of the 18, but this is kinda funny so I have to comment.  "He know's he wrecked Jr, and so do you? You're right let's move on."

    If you really wanted to move on you wouldnt post this question.

    And by the way, "What's a matter" ?? I think you mean What's THE matter

  13. Pissed?? No we're not pissed, YOU must be. NEXT...

  14. Jr. said it was a accident because its good P.R.  He didnt say what was really on his mind.  Even if it was a accident, to be about to win a race and get wrecked your gonna blame the other guy.  Iv hated busch for awhile now, he is a cocky kid who needs someone to put him in his place.  

    I just hope that there is a time when jr. is a couple laps down for some reason and kyle is in first and about to pass him with a couple laps left for the win.  I hope jr just takes him out.  That would be my dream race.

  15. You are right. Kyle Busch has the points lead and has been stacking up the wins in 4 different types of cars, so there really is nothing to be ticked about. I think it's the JR nation with the real problem.

  16. I'm not pissed, I know what happened, and so do you, you're in denial, what's the matter, truth hurt?

  17. No one is watching the video close enough. Kyle didn't have the car to win so he wrecked JR. As he himself stated Friday night, "I don't care how many cars I have to wreck". He has a bad attitude and his a reckless driver. NASCAR needs to do something about his behavior. I am getting sick of the way he acts, it seems like every week se is wrecking someone. What upsets me the most is that NASCAR has made such a big deal about safety the last few years and then the let him get away with this kind of stuff. I don't even want to watch any more I am so sick of him.

  18. i am a fan of jr and stewart and all of you fans of the blob do not insult my intelligence by saying that we are doped up on bud i dont drink so hey is for horses glad your not a cow oh wait maybe you are since your doped up on miller or what ever "fancy" drink your on kyle doesnt know how to drive same as older brother they always whine when they get wrecked and they had to put stewart on probation cause of kurt because he cried like a little girl. these shrubs wait shrub has a function and same as an  (donkey) they have functions your aliens need to go back to area 51 and suck it up and move on. your driver im sorry to say has no talent i wasnt going to answer to this but all you bush fans have to be put in line cause that was uncalled for so dont you think jr fans or stewart fans foam at the mouth when their drivers dont win and as for need help  he was right about kyles cofession on tape that is what he does and he has no talent in racing so shut up all you busch fans cause you dont know what your talking about go get help then you will realize that he has no driving talent and you might move on sucks for you if you dont  tahtah buh bye and get over yourselves

    go jr and stewart!!!

  19. i'm not pissed. you posting this question doesn't help the fans to get over it.

  20. If it was the other way around, Jr. fans would be pissed their driver was being questioned.  What's the difference?  Jr. can do no wrong, that's what.  I'll be interested to see their reactions when Jr. takes somebody out like this in a while, it'll be justified some way.

  21. I was at the race, in corner 4; I saw the wreck in person, and on the TV the next day.  I'm not a Jr Fan, and I'm sure as heck not a Busch fan...but racing is racing.  They both were going for the same piece of track.  Nothing is worse than watching 20k Jr Fans flip off Bush and yell obscenities.  It's sad when the race car drivers have more class than the people paying to watch them.


    Isn't that where Bullwinkle went to college?

    I think you answered your own question....

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