First I will explain the quotation marks around window, I live in an apartment complex and they provided a/c upon move in. How ever they're not window units per say, they're big bulky units underneath the window that have the combined heat and a/c incorporated; all I know is they're made by Singer.
I only have a one bedroom apartment, which means I only have one, where as in two bedroom apt. they're are two; one in the living room and in the master bedroom, so this is quite a delima to me.
Any way, my air conditioner was last checked and fixed before the summer began, they do these checks twice a year, once for heat and the other for air. When it was checked the last time it was just a simple swap of fans and there hasn't been a problem...till now.
I run my a/c quite a lot when I'm home, but always turn it off before I leave. I love to have my house cold, hospital's comforting to me for some odd reason. But I just got home from work. it's 90 degrees and my fan turns on, the compressor acts like it's going to start; then drops out. The office closed at noon and won't be open again till Monday morning, it's supposed to be warm and muggy the next couple days and it's going to drive me insane, if it were the winter I wouldn't care; cause I never turn on my heat. I turned on the heat though thinking maybe the compressor had froze up and maybe that would help "defrost" such luck. I've turned it off and on, hoping in some weird way that would give it some type of charge and encouragement to luck.
What could be the problem? I hate my house being warm and I hate to sweat...what can I do?