
"Would you pick up a Hitchhiker?"?

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I would never on my life do this! I saw the movie The Hitchhiker II, I've been waiting for you. This is a scary movie.




  1. nooooo, my husband has and never had a bad experience yet. but he wont do that if the kids or i are in the car

  2. Yes I have and would some of the best s*x I have ever had.

  3. 30 years ago I would,but today in way.

  4. I would if he was carrying a chainsaw.

  5. No, maybe 20 years ago I would have.

  6. i would slow down next to them with the doors locked when they come up to the car gun it and speed away

  7. Hitcher Two sucks (if that's the one you're talking about) and yes I pick up hitch hikers all the time. I've met some really cool people that way. I worry sometimes that I might pick up a murderer one day, but I could run into one on the street just as easily, so I get over it.

  8. Depends... Shady and scarey, not in my car...

    Young women in distress, Yes...

    and where?

    In the city? Never

    Out on the country road? Of corse..

  9. no

  10. it trully depends. maybe if i were in a public place with a lot of people around and they were trying to get 2 a place very close....then i'd THINK about it.  otherwise, i doubt it.

  11. I love that beer commercial where they pick up a hitchhiker. It's hilarious!

  12. Absolutely not!

    I don't give rides to people I don't know...

  13. h**l no

  14. No i wouldnt pick up a hitchiker either its too dangerous out here .....

  15. i think you shouldnt cuz you never know who dat is, but in  the other hand he could have run out of gas n soesnt have a celly

  16. NEVER

  17. This is scary because it not only could happen, but things like that happen all the time.  You should NEVER let a stranger in your vehicle with you.  Serial killers, and s*x offenders hunt people that way all the time.  Ted Bundy used to get girls to walk him to his car by using a fake cast on his arm, once there he would ask if they could put the things he was carrying into the vehicle and then push them in and drive off.

    The Hillside stranglers used to pick girls up in their car, and the list just goes on and on ...

    Unfortunately it is a cruel and unforgiving world at times.  An ounce of precaution can word off a world of disaster

    Also you should never ever except a ride from a stranger.

    This one girls let a strange guy give her "A ride home" when she was walking one day, and he took her and kept her under his bed in a coffin alive for seven years, it was a miracle she escaped and would not have had his wife not turned him in.

    Always be careful, life does not give do overs.

  18. No.  You just can't trust people.  Even the most innocent and charming person can turn out to be bad.  I always tell my friends when they talk about someone being nice or looking nice...."Hey...Ted Bundy was a very nice, attractive, charming man, except for the fact that he was a serial killer!!".  It usually puts things into perspective for some of them.

  19. I would never pick up a hitchhiker, I saw that, and creep show, and just too many other movies about killer hitchhikers.

  20. I do it all the time!!!!!!! They're usually really entertaining. That and my husband hid a knife in our car, so if they decided to go ape **** on me, I'd stab them lol.

  21. Only if he is carrying Bud Light

  22. No not particularily! It use to be a nice jester to do, and one that most people used to do; but now things are so bad in the world and so many people are nothing but criminals to the eye let alone the view of someone in a car; it's just not worth being the good samaritan.  If you see them walking, keep driving! ... It's just not worth the stop!

    Much Love

    Peace & Happiness

  23. Heck no!  With my luck, I'd pick up the psycho.

  24. Not likely ...especially if you are a girl alone.

    A guy might if the person looks stranded, and "safe"...but be careful.........A girl should never pick up a Male hitchhiker .....

  25. Nope!

    That's what truckers are for, hehehe

  26. no, no, no....

  27. LOL yeah after that movie no wayyyyyyy haha and yeah i agree with amanda that is a funny commercial

  28. no way .

  29. No. You have no idea what drugs they are on, what weapons they have, what martial arts they know, how many times they have been convicted of rape, robbery, assault or murder, or how many miles you will live after you pick them up until they are sitting next to you in your car. That is perhaps the worst time to find out.

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