
"behind every pretty wife is a husband tired of having s*x with her"?

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MEN: do u think this is true? after a while, do u get less attracted to your wife? Like if she got naked in front of you and say another pretty girl did (someone youve never seen naked) would you be looking at both evenly or would you be drawn to teh girl that youve never seen naked? just curious, friends and i were debating bout this..thanks




  1. Variety is the spice of life !

  2. Man, anyone can tell you that new things would definitely get your utmost attention.... of course, he'll be looking at 'the other woman' more than his wife. Any new toys would be the best thing in life (for the time being).

  3. The other pretty girl is basically a 3d version of p**n.  She's eye candy and that's it.

    My attraction to the wife would depend on where I'm at with her in the relationship, rather than what she looks like naked.

    If things are great with the wife and she's standing right there all available and naked, you don't need or want the p**n.  You admire what you already have.  I guess you do check out the other one a bit though, like you idly check out somebody in a restaurant.

    If the only reason I was in the marriage was because I felt trapped, I probably wouldn't bother looking at my wife at all no matter how hot she was.  (Sad I know)

    Maybe if you go by the pet theory that pretty girls in general think they can coast on their looks and not bother doing all the other necessary things in a relationship that make it last, this saying might have a point.  I don't really buy into that theory though.

  4. Absolutely get bored and would definitely look at the new piece.

  5. I'm a woman and I can answer that question...

    Yes, they would be drawn to the pretty girl that they have never had before.

  6. I love my wife and one never tires of making love to the one they love.

    I have been in your scenario numerous, numerous times at nude beaches and nude family resorts. I will not be drawn away to look at another naked woman over my wife.  I'm not saying I would not look, but would not be distracted and put my wife second.

    If you ever visited a nude beach/resort, you will never see attached men gawking at naked ladies.

  7. that statement doesn't have to be true, but if you let it, it may become that.  i recommend you read      to h**l with h**l     on line at barnes and noble dot com and amazon dot com.  i read it because a friend of mine told me i needed to read it and i did.  i'm glad i did.  it may have saved my marriage.  

  8. Yes its true. No matter how beautiful you are eventually they will become bored with you.

  9. Natural reaction would make you look at the unknown. But I would turn back quick or I might get cut off. My ex-wife/fiance' knows I look every now and then, but I know not to do it for to long. I think you just adapt. You may be right, but who really knows.  

  10. I disagree.  s*x is s*x, unless your doing it with someone that your utterly repulsed by there isn't going to be a difference as to how men respond to different beautiful women.  Contrary to popular belief, at least IMO, there isn't a once we sleep with you we lose all sexual interest switch that gets flipped.

    If a man loses interest in you sexually its probably because of other things in the relationship that have just turned him off.  We have feelings to you know.  With a beautiful stranger, they won't carry the same emotional blemishes that a guy would have with his significant other.  

  11. it's a proven fact that ugly woman are better in bed. LOL j/k.

  12. Let me pose this question to you. Do you still find your husband attractive? There are two sides to every relationship. The grass will always be greener, but if you truly show your love for him, make him feel wanted and attractive he will reciprocate. If not, then you might have some problems.I know from my own personal experience I tend to pull away from a woman who I feel is pulling away from me physically as well as emotionally.

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