
"boost your mileage with water" I want to hear from the poor shmuk that it didn't work for. Not it can't work

by  |  earlier

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I've heard a lot about these "water from fuel" or "boost your gas milage with water" and now I have a question;

Can all of you who tried these things give a report?

Yeah, yeah, I know according to thermodynamics it's impossible. Here's what I'm looking for and I'll say it somewhat bluntly. I want to hear from the poor shlep who bought one of these things and it didn't work. I searched some, but it seems that most of the claims aren't gained by experience.

Thank you for your time!




  1. Water as fuel for car? It is a big scam here in the Philippines. The car which runs on water as fuel has victimized many investors. Don't be the next victim.

  2. DUH.

    how many do you expect to come out and say,  "Yeah, i spent $1000 and it just ruined my car."

    how many people do you hear brag,  "hey, i just got back from Vegas and lost $1000."

    or do you really think that everyone who comes back is a winner?

    i mean, that's the only thing you hear.

    get real.

    they're not going to tell you they're stupid.

  3. Why spend money on a con when it’s already been test over and over again? AAA did a test as did many other people who did controlled tests and it doesn’t work. Just to let you know this con been around since before the 1970’s.

    To Tax but no tax

    Yes it is possible to extract hydrogen from water but what I and many others have said and PROVED is that this device will NOT increase fuel mileage.

    In order to accomplish what is claimed by the people pushing HHO the hydrogen oxygen mix would have to increase the efficiency of your engine by 3.5% to 14% in order to get the 10% to 40% increase in fuel mileage. Considering that car makers spend millions of dollars trying to get a fraction of a percent better efficiency out of their engines and considering the patents and expired and are FREE to use by anyone why wouldn’t a car companies put on a device to do it almost for free?

    Don’t say big oil, I don’t see big oil giving billions to Ford, Chevy, etc. and even if Ford Chevy sold out why don’t you see them on cars in Japan, China, India do you really want me to believe that big oil got to every government in the WORLD and they all sold out, and they bought all the patents and suppressed the devices fromStan Myers too. If so they didn’t go a very good job of it, you can find Stan Myers patents ONLINE AND FOR FREE.

    No we don’t see them because they don’t work.

  4. Ships have used it for many years.    A small amount of water injected into the cylinder just after ignition turns to vapor and produces more thrust than just expanding vapors from burning fuel.    If you're talking about electrolysis of water to make hydrogen, thats bunk.

  5. Actually water from fuel is not a scam. Filling up your gas tank with water is but not if you have the proper device. The idea is to extract some hydrogen from the water and use it as fuel. Currently no commercial car can do this but they have been able to do it in labs and in model cars. It's the same idea as hydrogen fuel cells it's just a cheaper way to extract the hydrogen. At least that's the idea.

  6. Yeah, but my Mercedes only runs on Perrier, but they say Chevys do ok on Poland Springs.

  7. I would like to suggest that all of those who do not believe that extracting hydrogen from water is possible, do some research before publicly embarrassing themselves.  Those not doing so are grouping themselves with those who said flight was impossible, the earth is the center of the universe, the earth if flat etc. and so on.

    Secondly, be very wary of anyone selling hydrogen generators over the internet. Most if not all, do not work. They will produce the hydrogen, but it isn't enough to do any practical good.  The same can be said for MOST of the people selling the do it yourself books.

    If you are really interested in this topic my I suggest googling "HHO" and or Youtube, search for "zerofossilfuel" who's postings are educational rather than commercial.

    I am not zerofossilfuel for those who may jump to that conclusion.

    BTW my personal experience with this is still inconclusive. I haven't had it installed long enough to get results yet.

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