
"can a person jump to spike the ball from the back row?"?

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when in the back row and going to spike can the person the jump?




  1. no! u hv to be on the 10ft line

  2. yes you can jump from the back row. Just DONT land in front or the 10 foot line. Or else they will call you with an illegal back row attack, rather then a legal attack.

  3. yes with enough experience

  4. you can as long as the front row people are still in front of you and as long as you are behind the 10 foot line (i think)

    I'm not quite sure because i only this from junior high and I'm not yet in high school so i don't know the officially rules

  5. sure can do

  6. yes you are allowed to attact the ball... as long as you dont pass the 10 meter line.. you can usually attact the ball in any position.. dont listen to the people that said you cannot cuz i know for sure you can!!!

  7. Yes !!! You can spike from the back row we do it all the time in my high school you just have to land behind the attact line !! you cant go over it and jump .....

  8. i guess in most leagues you can. it appears that in some leagues you cannot, though. where i play, it is legal to jump FROM BEHIND THE 10 FOOT LINE, and attack the ball. if the ball is partially or wholly under the net, you can jump and attack it. the libero can attack by jumping only when the ball is under the net, but if you're a libero, don't risk it, just stay down. last year, our setter would go to dump the ball when he was back row, the realize it at the last second and drop his hand below the net at the last second, and never got called for back row attack. little tip: if your setter accidentally dumps from the back row, just have them stay on the net and the opposite go back row, most refs won't realize the setter is back row until the next point and by then it's too late. we have done this many times and never gotten caught.

  9. no its called a back row attack. you have to stay on the ground when you spike it. or you will get called for it.

  10. you can as long as you jump from behind the 10 foot line

  11. yes, it is called a back row attack and as long as you dont pass the 10 foot line, it is legal.

    i am the libero on my high school team and i do it quite often.

  12. yes but you can't pass the 10 foot line when you jump because they will call you on a backrow attack.

  13. yes but they cant jump infront of the 10 footline. they have to jump from behind it

  14. Yes, if the player jumps behind the 3 meter line it is allowed

  15. no.

    spiking can only be done from right in front of the net.


  16. no. I did this and they told me that you could not. you can only jump in the 1st row. sorry!

  17. Yes, but only if they jump before the ten foot line. If they're ahead of the ten foot line then they can't jump.

  18. no

  19. yea as long as you dont jump over the 10 ft line

  20. no dumb ***

  21. Gosh people who said NO are wrong. Yes you can spike on back row..... just jump before the 10 ft line, and yes you can land over the 10ft line you just have to make sure you jump before it and then you are fine!! I have done this several times, but I would ask you coach before you do back row spiking so that if they want you to do so then they can teach you, because it does take practice!! You are not going to get it you first time, and you coach might not want you to spike it back row, but yes you can!!!

  22. Geez, please don't listen to those that are saying no.

    Yes you can attack from any position on the court (FR, M, LF, RB, MB, LB). However, you need to jump from behind the ten foot line when you are in a back row position (RB, MB, LB).

    You can land in front of the 10 foot line, but you must not have any part of your foot in front of the 10 foot line when in the process of jumping. The only exception to this is the Libero, they cannot attack the ball when it is completely above the height of the net. The Libero however, may drive the ball across the net without jumping or hit the ball when it is below the plane of the net..

  23. I will take the different answer.  Yes with qualifications.

    If the player is a back row player, they may spike the ball from the back row.  Their last contact with the floor has to be behind the 3 meter line (or 10 foot line) if the ball is completely above the height of the net.  If the ball is partially below the top of the net, the back row player may spike it from anywhere.    

    If the player is a front row player, the answer is yes.  They do not have to worry about the line.

    If the player is the Libero, the answer is maybe.  If the ball is completely above the height of the net, the answer is no.  The Libero may not send the next ball over.  If part of the ball is not above the height of the net, the answer is yes.  The Libero may spike that ball.  (Please notice that there is no mention of the 3 meter line when I am talking about the Libero attacking the ball.  It does not matter.  the Libero may not attack the ball if the ball is completely above the height of the net.  Front row or back row.)  

    If I have confused anyone, please feel free to email me.

  24. You can attack the ball in the front row as long as you jump from behind the 10 foot line, when I was in college I often hit sets that were set very similar to front row sets, we ran these plays for our highleapers especially when the front row couldnt get it done, these were quite different than your typical "10" sets.  Although u cant attack the ball from jumping from in front of the line when in the back row, you can still run some good fakes especially against inobservant teams.

  25. NO!!!

  26. yes, just jump from behind the 10' line. The girls on our team find this easier as they are shorter. Also if you spike a "10" or "pipe" from back row middle it's usually a surprise to the other team and there is no blocker

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