
"double crimson" azalea

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I recently recieved from a friend that works at Kmart some free plants named "hardy azalea, double crimsom" I live in pa zone 6 and I know azaleas are part of the Rhododendron family which grow well here. but I have not been able to find any specific info about this type. will it survive the winters? what is its max height, width and light prefereces?




  1. Double crimson would refer to the flowers being mutiple layered petels rather than a single petel all around.  Comon name may not give you enough information , did the plant have a genius/species name on it?  if so that would allow you to do a better internet search to find the growing details.  If it was sold at Kmart in you local are I would presume that it is hardy in your area unless it came from a tropical sales rack or a hothouse veriety.  You have nothing to loose by planting it outside, you can always move it later.

  2. I think the reason it says “Hardy Azalea” is to make a distinction between it and “Florist Azalea’s” – which are not winter hardy.

    Double – refers to the flower type which would be at least two rows of petals. Sometimes double flowers have so many petals the anthers and stigmas are completely covered by the petals.

    Crimson – a flower color similar to RED rubies or cherries.

    All azaleas are rhododendrons but not all rhododendrons are azaleas.

    Since they have not given you the name of the cultivar but just the species (Rhododendron) – it will be hard to identify.

    I would plant it as would be appropriate for Rhododendron and see if it is an evergreen or deciduous shrub. You may also be able to bring a branch with an open flower to a nursery for identification.

    If you still have problems identifying it, call the Horticulture Department of the Cooperative Extension at your state university and see if you can send them a flower, branch, leaf and photo for identification.

    I would still plant it in an area where I wanted a shrub with red flowers. It sounds beautiful. A nice sight – and it could bloom at any time of the year – you will find out.

    Rhododendrons/Azaleas can send out their flower from early spring until early winter. It depends on the cultivar.

    If it drops its leaves it may flower before leafing out. Or may be one of the last shrubs to flower before winter freeze sets in.

    Some cultivars will bloom twice a year - early AND late in the season.

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