
"how can i set my yahoo messenger mobile to not automatically sign-in to my device when i logged off to yahoo

by  |  earlier

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how can i set my yahoo messenger mobile to not automatically sign-in to my device when i logged off to yahoo messenger to my PC?




  1. go to messenger..then to preferences(Ctrl+Shift+P)

    and then to general setting..

    and then go to tab "signing out of yahoo messenger"..

    Hope this resolves your query :)

  2. From the main menu when you log into messenger from your pc, select MESSENGER. Then select PREFERENCES. A menu for Y!M Preferences open, select GENERAL. At the bottom you should see a category for signing out of Y!M. If a check is next to "Always sign in my mobile device.....," deselect the option. This would stop login to your mobile when you exit messenger from your pc.

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