
"if a train is travelling 30 mph and the train is 9300 feet long, how long will it take to pass?"?

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"if a train is travelling 30 mph and the train is 9300 feet long, how long will it take to pass?"?




  1. just over 3 1/2 minutes, it is travelling at 1 mile every two minutes.

    So in 2 minutes 5280 feet of the train will have gone passed.

    4020 feet still needs to pass you. 3/4 of a mile is 3960 feet, so that portion will take 1 1/2 minutes, the remaining 60 feet in about 1/4 of a second, so the answer is just over 3 1/2 minutes. So sorry it is convoluted but this is the answer!!!

  2. That would be 1 3/4 miles long. Trains that long aren't allowed so it would never pass as it would never have left the terminal.

  3. 30 miles per hour is equivalent to 44 feet per second

    So, 9300 divided by 44 is 211.36363636 seconds, or just over 3 minutes and 31 and a third seconds

  4. Ok so you should really get someone at your school to help you on this.  The dude that just posted said that if he can go 30 miles in an hour that is the same as going 1800 miles in a minute.

    That is NOT correct.

    First convert 30 miles per hour to feet per second.

    Once you know how many feet per second that the train is moving, then you can take the entire length of the train and divide it by the amount of feet per second that it is moving.  That will give you an aswer of how many seconds it will take.

    Answer is 211.3636 seconds.  But, you need to find someone to show you how to convert units.  NOW or you'll grow up ignorant and you don't want that...  believe me.  I KNOW!!!

  5. Trains that long are available.  BNSF runs one intermodal a week out of california that is 10,000 feet long.  It is DP'd.  

    They tried a 200 car coal train, but had the "same/opposite" switch the wrong way and ripped the train in half. <head end power> .. <cars> .. <mid train power> .. <cars> .. <rear end power>  

    The problem with long trains is not the ability to do it, but convincing the conductor to walk back 1.5 miles to cut the crossing because you will not fit anywhere.

    If the question is whether it is passing a set point, or whether it is clearing a tunnel (or other restriction that will cause it to go 30 mph) as you would have to go the same speed through the entire tunnel.

    If for instance your train was going twice as fast (30 x 2 = 60) then it would cover one mile in one minute.  60 miles per hour, 60 minutes in an hour 60 = 60.

    Then the following statement would be true.

    1 mile = 2 minutes (at 30 mph)

    5,280 feet in a mile, and 120 seconds in 2 minutes, so

    5280 feet = 120 seconds (divide by 2)

    2640 feet = 60 seconds (in one minute you will travel 2640 feet)

    Take the total length of the train (9,300 feet), and divide by the distance that the train travels in one minute (2,640 feet).

    9300/2640 = 3.522

    It would take 3.522 minutes or approximately 3 min 30 seconds (.522 is approximately half of 1.000, and 30 seconds is half of one minute)

  6. It would take 5 minutes and 10 seconds for the train to pass.

    I converted 30 miles per hour to 1800 miles per minute.

    Then I divided 9300 by 1800 and I got 5.17

    0.17 is the equivalent to 10 seconds.

    Hoped that helped!

  7. dude, do your own homweork

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