I sat at the edge,
feet over the side.
Measured the distance,
how deep and how wide.
Tossed a few dreams
into the abyss.
Then sat there and wondered
what turn i had missed.
I started my trip stocked with more than I need.
Goals and ambition...a roadmap to read.
Plenty of landmarks lined my route;
directions enough to ease any doubt!
Perhaps once or twice
I turned left on a right.....
and I may not have stopped at every red light!
Some how I've lost
the road I was on.
I recognize nothing,
all landmaeks are gone.
Beleave when i say it was never my goal
to run out of gas in front of this hole.
Carefully standing,
I back away from drop.
It may be a road block..
it will not be a stop.
My end destination
may still be unclear;
and i may have to walk
the whole way there....
but i will rediscover
the right road to take.
I just need to use care
in the turns that I make.