
"native america" if the native americans could have developed the 'laws of the land?

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"native americans" ..if the native americans could have developed the "law of the land,would white settlers been turned back at the borders and be detained as illegal immigrants??could a fence around the borders have helped??




  1. Yeah. We'd all be wearing head dresses and doing rain dances for harvest. Running buffalo off cliffs.

  2. There were no native americans.  There were the first settlers, second group of settlers, third, fourth and many more.  The way it worked in almost every case is simple: the new settlers that moved in usually just killed all the people on the land off.  They killed them if they did not run.  

    I believe you will find the first settlers you are thinking of down in Brazil.  You should ask them.

  3. Disregard the racist Mexican above me, she suffers from that pathetic "Mexican" version of history.

    I thank the Europeans who settled this land every single day for the life I get to live in the greatest nation on earth.  Europeans built the land that everyone wants to come to, and do they get a thank you, no, just racist lies from Mexicans.

  4. yes. in fact mount grant wouldn't be tainted with four heads, it'd still be beautiful. i hate that there's a law trying to be pulled through pushing mexicans away when it's saying we forgot about what the past said and what your ancestors did. they travelled to this country looking for freedom and a second chance, shouldn't that open hand be offered once again to other nations like the mexicans. otherwise, get out of this country if you don't want mexicans here cuz you're just being hypocrytical and just like your ancestors that whiped out the real americans that were here before you.  

  5. They did call us "illegal immigrants" and killed thousands of whites for being on their claimed territory.

    The demand was not stopped, and as a result, neither was the supply.

    The same will happen here if we don't stop the demand ( employers willing to hire them, welfare benefits, education, etc.).

    A fence is the same as the native scalping - it attacks the supply side, but does nothing to end the demand

  6. they did, They also did not care for the illegal spanish aliens invading from the south, who were also descendents of the Europeans....

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