
"stones taught me to fly" how do you interpret from the sentence?

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Yes, it is from a song's lyrics. It is fantastics song.




  1. Damien Rice.

    That you're confused and don't think you can do something because you've been confused about what to do for so long.

  2. I assume this sentence is a lyric from damien rice's 'cannonball' and in context with the rest of the song the speaker is talking about how he's failed at everything in his life.  Stone's can't fly, and they taught him how to therefore he failed at that as well. Just like he says Life taught him to die.  He uses juxtapositions to show that he does all the positive things in his life in a negative way or fails at them.  ie, it's not hard to fall, when you float like a cannonball.

  3. Well when I read the sentance it reminds me that stones are rocks. Which would be impossible for them to fly. So going back to the sentance "Stones Taught Me To Fly" It makes it seem like that person did the impossible. He/she acheived something that they didnt think could be done.

  4. What sentence?

    You just gave us a phrase!

    If you want interpretation, you need to give the phrase in context.

    Since it is from a song -- that would mean the whole verse.

    Possibly even the whole song if the different verses are alternative perspectives.

  5. no how do YOU interpret from that sentance

    do it yourself


  6. Stones taught me to fly: " Rolling Stones introduced me to drugs".. there you have it....

  7. stones are always true to their nature. perfect taoists. hence they 'fly' or are in 'flow' with the rhythms of the great dancer.

    the person is pointing out that they have observed this in the stones, and then successfully achieved the same state of harmony - sometimes referred to as 'flying' or being 'in the groove'.

    watch a stone for a while if you don't believe me. always being a stone.

  8. You're stoned

    Do not fly out of any tall buildings

  9. Here is that verse from Damien Rice's song:

    "Stones taught me to fly

    Love taught me to lie

    Life taught me to die

    So it's not hard to fall

    When you float like a cannonball"

    He looks at a thing and sees it's opposite within it. There is a theory that everything is defined by its opposite; what is meant by "up" if there is no "down", for instance?

    So theoretically if you fully understand a concept, then you also fully understand its opposite.

    Either that or he flew because he got really stoned listening to the Rolling Stones.

  10. well, i think of stones flying -- at people. you gotta think old-school a bit, old testament "stone them to death" or saudia arabia, where they will throw rocks at you if they see an exposed ankle on a woman.

    how getting rocks thrown at you teaches you to fly, i don't know, but if enough of 'em hit you in the head you may start to think that the suffering you are getting is somehow up-lifting you or teaching you to overcome it.

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