
"true" cost of dental sealants?

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The military dentist says civilian dentists may charge you $500 to do prophylactic sealants on your teeth, but it really only costs several dollars for this so they are making a ton of money off you.

Is this correct??




  1. Sealants at the dentist are priced marked up about the same fraction as all other procedures.     Going to the dentist or any doctor is pricey to be sure.......but remember,   you are not really just paying for the materials,  you are paying for the knowledge it took that dentist 8-10 years to learn.

    Think of it this way........a brain surgeon may use some tools on your head that cost a couple hundred dollars,   but he may get paid $ 20,000 to save your life,   because you are paying him for his SKILL,  not for the tools and stitches he uses.    Lots of jobs are priced according to skill level,  and medicine is one of them.      Yes,   the sealants are not as pricey as what you pay for them,  but it's something you need a college professional to apply to you.      Insurance companies know this,  and most dental insurance companies pay the total cost of getting the sealants.    

    Getting the sealants,  which protect your teeth from cavities,  are still much less expensive than fillings,  which you are much more likely to get without sealants,   especially in this age of high soda consumption !

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