
"what is concept of Space and Time? Are they interrelated?"?

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"what is concept of Space and Time? Are they interrelated?"?




  1.   A quantum of space is a single space-time pulse of minimum size ans duration and neither can exist alone.

  2. Space and Time, as 'Spacetime' are properties of matter. Without matter, the concepts of space and time do not exist. As such, spacetime is a highly dynamic and constantly changing feature of matter as we understand it. Since matter is believed to be divisible into basic 'chunks' (either as point particles or strings, depending on which theory you go with), it's thought that time and space may also be broken down into units that cannot be reduced any further. Some research also suggests that spacetime as we experience it may be basically an illusion for how it actually operates. As bizarre as it may sound, space may not ultimately be what we think it is, and time may not exist at all. If this can ever be proven, it would be a revolution in thought comparable to the Earth going around the Sun, or Relativity superseding Newtonian physics.  

  3. Perhaps the following answer leads to more questions than answers, but that's where we are now in this search:

    Perhaps the current NIST defintion of time serves most of our day to day practical needs:

  4. Just go through this book...'A Brief History of Time' - Stephen W. Hawking

  5. Science and pseudo-science is full of theories trying to interpret the interaction of space and time. The truth is that we don't really know for sure the answer but it is commonly agreed that yes, they are interrelated in the principle given by the theory of Relativity that says that the universe can only be observed by an observer's frame of space and time.

    It means that what appears to be true for one observer is not for another one. This paradox can be seen, for example, in the fact that, wherever you are in the universe, it appears that everything is moving away from you, thus you are at the center of it. Likewise the cosmic radiation from the big bang comes from all directions as if it is not a point in space but a sphere around the observer.

  6. No, they are actually one. Time and space belong together. That concept is called spacetime and is the base for modern physics.

    Spacetime basically says, that any change in space, also causes a change in the way, time passes. The more you change/warp space, the slower time passes.

    This also requires relativity - the warping of spacetime depends on the observer. You may think, the universe around you slows down in time, but for the universe around you, you slow down - depending on relative velocity.

  7. You could say that

    They are one

    A good way to think about it is they are woven together

    They cant exist without eachother

  8. A solid cube has three dimensions and occupies space.  If the cube is moving it forms a 'tunnel' through space but exists only from moment to moment.  On earth we experience space and time as highly regular and predictable.  However, within a black hole of massive density space and time are highly distorted.

  9. space and time are exactly is depended by another and also ditense is  also related them.

  10. i don't know, can't seem to grasp the subject. it's hard to visualize.

  11. Space has dimension.

    We know about the first dimension(line), the second dimension(plane), third dimension(sphere,cube,etc.).

    Time is the fourth dimension.


  12. Hmmm.

    The faster you travel,,, the slower time affects you. So if you travel at the speed of light,,, time is still. This is why pilots ( theologically ) live around 3 - 5 seconds longer than normal people on land lol.

    SO they are interrelated.

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