
"women need a reason to cheat, men just need a women".. true or false ?

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"women need a reason to cheat, men just need a women".. true or false ?




  1. No, women just feel the need to invent a reason.

  2. I would say sadly true. I cheated just because i could didn't even like the girl but if hated myself ever since definately not worth it and i wont do it again!

  3. false.  i think to stereotype women into needing an emotional excuse lessens the emotional needs of men.  if i'm with someone i love i have a very hard time even being interested in another would take something serious to break that in me.

  4. Yes. The difference is that men can have s*x without feeling anything, or very little for a woman. (p**n as an example).

    Women become disillusioned and unhappy, and make a reason to cheat if they want to.

  5. False everyone cheats for a reason, most men cheat because on some level there is something wrong with thier relationship, where it is something as personal as a lack of respect for the person you are with or something vague and general like a lack of compatability

  6. False.  Nobody needs a reason to cheat.  Some people just make excuses to justify their actions, whereas others take full responsibility, regardless of the underlying reason why.

  7. False.

  8. false....

  9. False.  Needs not being met are the underlying issue for  affairs. Whether it be a sexual need, or an emotional need.

  10. All people cheat because they are not satisfied with their relationship. PERIOD.

  11. False, both are capable of cheating or not cheating for love, s*x, attention and a whole lot of other reasons :-)

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