
"your" opinion?Is Homosexuality a choice or not ?

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  1. Definetly not a choice, You cannot control the feelings you have for somebody else, you may as well be brainwashed if you can suppress those feelings especially when it comes to love.

  2. Definately not a choice. Certainly not an illness!!!

    Tyler durden is ignorant and quite possibly confused himself.

  3. The only choice there is when it comes to sexuality is ACCEPTING it or REJECTING it.

    The whole sexuality issue comes from developmental states beginning inside the mothers womb. It's a part of the brain that develops accordingly. Depending on your gender and growth of this small part in the brain is what determines your sexuality. Once you grow and develop your own knowledge of life, society and beliefs, that then will be when you  have a choice to make. Either accept it, reject it, or live in exile from the sexuality truth.  

  4. ok I guessi will weigh in.......I wholeheartedly believe it is a choice in the context that  cultures shall influence, peer pressure shall influence,  lack of father figure parenting shall influence and a host of other things allow a situation shall influence  where folks believe that they have no choice but its no so.

    So ofcourse i fully accept all the verbal attacks....but remember science has not proven is wrong on many of their theorys like carbon dating, evolution, dinosours, geology and the list goes on...........we as humans have a free will and may choose to be moral or amoral in various degrees..and the majority of people DO NOT BELIEVE ITS NOT A CHOICE.....the majority is not the way to ascertain if something is true or not and science can never prove or disprove a moral issue...........its all choice........thanks for reading

  5. Its not a choice its what your inner person desires. You can't force yourself to be straight if your inner self is saying its not what you want in life. No its not a choice, its acknowledging your true desires. Hope this helped.  

  6. It is not a choice.  It is a congenital condition.

  7. first of all, i love you're homepage :)

    ok, i'm not sure, the thing is they havn't found a g*y gene yet. if they did obviously it would mean that it isn't a choice. the thing that i find wierd is that it just doesnt make sense to me that someone could be born g*y because it defies the natural order of s*x. i mean besides pleasure and emotion what is the point of s*x? it seems to me that it is to create new life by making babies. it is obviously impossible to make babies through homosexuality. so until they find a g*y gene I lean more on the side that says it is a choice.  let me just say that i dont dislike g*y people or anything. i have plenty of very good homosexual friends. it is just my opinion that it makes more sense that it is a choice then something you're born with.

  8. if homosexuality is a choice then heterosexuality is a choice.

    but all in all, you cant help who you fall in love with. a boy cant help it if his d**k gets hard. and a girl cant help it if she gets wet. its how you feel because if it was a choice then there wouldnt be any g*y people.

    think before you speak.

  9. not a choice.  i've been dealing with the need to be g*y for many years.  that leads me to believe it's not a choice.  

  10. It's not a choice, i don't think. It's a kind of sexual attraction defect people are born with, which they can't help. It's obviously not mentally healthy, people are designed to be attracted to the opposite to carry on their genes.... That's the whole point of sexual attraction, that's how humans work and have carried on.

    So homosexuals are a freak of nature, but i don't mean freak in a disrespectful way. Sorry to say this, but homosexuality is a form of mental illness basically. I don't think anyone would choose to be that way, it's something that's gone wrong in their brains somehow.

  11. Oh yeah,  as a BLACK MAN , I would choose to be g*y. That would have to be one of the dumbest " choices" ever . I would debate any of the idiots who say I chose to be g*y with a vengeance . A non-g*y person can never accurately answer that question. I also believe some people confuse choosing to be openly g*y( versus staying closeted) with choosing homosexuality.

  12. I think that everyone is bi in some way but you can choose which way you go

    whether to be g*y, bi or straight.

  13. i think you could force yourself not to go out with a guy if you were g*y but deep down inside if you were g*y you would prob eventually have to come out but i think it could be a  choice but i think it would be hard

    like a strait guy keeping his feeling's in about girls it would be d**n hard to do it but you could....

  14. It is not a choice. It is not an illness. It is a biological statement expressed through genetics and hormones.  

  15. i don't think it's a choice if you're g*y or not. it is a choice if you don't want to act on these feelings, but the homosexuality is still there regardless.

  16. must we do this again? NOOOOOOOOO...n i think its funny that alot of da straight ppl r trying to say "its a choice" but do u kno whut i find ironic? uve never been g*y in ur life. so how wud u kno? have a nice, big glass of stfu and sit down somewhere.

  17. Just because you desire something doesn't mean you have to CHOOSE to give in to that desire.I desire to eat chocolate all the time but if i give into that desire i will end up with two big but cheeks.

    My point is,Yes it is a choice Don't be fooled into thinking its not.

  18. theres nothing wrong with homosexuals,

    a few of my friends are and  i hate when people judge them for it

    it doesn't bother me, theres nothing wrong with it :)

  19. In my opinion, I don't think it's a choice or not. I guess the person can't help it if they start getting attracted to the same s*x.  

  20. I think it is a choice because you choose not to be with the opposite s*x therefore you're choosing to be with the same s*x. Whether it's not the norm or not that's another story.

  21. Well, in my opinion it's really very obvious.  Clearly, there are some people who are literally born with a chemical attraction to their same s*x.  They just can't help it - they may even feel like they're trapped in the wrong body in some instances, or they may just feel a genuine desire to be with or sleep with someone from their same s*x since BIRTH.  That's one way.  But, especially in American society, all things g*y have been glamorized and people have been desensitized by the media to all things g*y and, just like how your environment helps to mold you into who you are, it can mold you into becoming a g*y person as well.  Especially with g*y men in the media, and with young females experimenting with lesbianism to try to turn boys on and look cool.  That obviously doesn't mean everyone in America that's g*y is like that, but it can DEFINITELY be a learned behavior as well as something you're born with.  That's why the Iranian president said at some point last year that they don't really have g*y people in Iran.  That's not because literally nobody there is g*y (he knew that!), but because the media over there is not perpetuating being g*y and forcing it upon its youth like it's being shoved down our throats in America.  So to answer your question, it is most definitely BOTH.  It can be a choice or a learned behavior, or it can be something you're born with.

    I also think it's something g*y people need to admit within themselves.  There's nothing wrong with choosing to be g*y or being born g*y, but if you DID choose to be g*y then allow yourself to be okay with that.  I knew an older g*y man who was like that, and he was very much aware that it was his environment that created his gayness.  I don't think you're hoenstly, truely g*y if you cannot admit that SOME people are g*y by choice - because if you can't admit that, then you probably don't know what it truely is to be g*y.  I don't think you can be a g*y person and not know that it can happen either way.  Those people that say they're g*y and say it's IMPOSSIBLE for someone to choose being g*y, must not be genuinely g*y, or they'd understand things better than that.  Note that I said it was BOTH and not just by choice.  It can happen either way, and just because I know that the media perpetuates gayness doesn't mean that I have a specific feeling about that - it's just that I'm smart enough to see it.  Is everyone else?

  22. Being g*y is perfectly natural. in fact, in a science magazine i read, I found out species of antelope do the same thing. and also, all non-g**s, do you choose who you love or who loves you? didnt think so.

  23. Being g*y, bi or straight is not a choice whatsoever.  The only choice you have is whether you will live to be yourself and be happy or remain closeted and unhappy.  

    I did not choose to be a L*****n but i did chose to be alright with that and live as such. And Im the happiest i could be because of it....

  24. It's not a choice.

    The only choice in the matter is whether you decide to stay true to yourself and be open about it, or live your life as a lie.

    And I'm sorry but I don't find it fair that people tell me I should pretend to be straight and make the choice to not express my homosexuality. It would be unfair to me and to any woman that I might possibly date in the future, seeing as how it would all be a lie.

    And I like the point someone brought up earlier. I can't control what triggers me to get an erection. So if I see a guy and I get hard how then could my attraction to men possibly be a choice?

  25. no.

    at least not in the overwhelming majority of cases.  I think there are a few people who have had messed up childhoods, and are searching for love and acceptance where ever they can find it, but for the most part, I think if they're g*y, they were born g*y.

  26. Obviously.You are not born g*y.It`s a lifestyle not a choice ,But you chose you`re lifestyle.

  27. My opinion, people make choices to be either straight, g*y, bi, or whatever when they get older.  They experience their sexuality and what attracts them when they reach puberty, not as babies.

  28. I think your born g*y,straight,or whatever you are. Just the way you're born with you likes and dislikes, the same goes for their sexuality. I dont believe that people turn g*y , they're born like that.

    But everyone should be respected no matter what.  

  29. Why would anyone choose to be ostracized, belittled, verbally and physically abused and otherwise mistreated by much of society?  Nope, no choice...not here any way : )

  30. In my opinion no.  It is not a choice nor is it a disease of the mind. It is simply a state of being.  

  31. Part of it is due to physical reasons (hormonal disturbances, etc) and thus one has no choice in that case, and part of it is due to psychological conditioning ()the way one was brought up had led to it) and again, one has no choice in that case. A minute part of it is due to an emotional link with someone from the same s*x that has grown into physical intimacy, or a lack of positive response from the other s*x that led to timidity and seeking absolution within the same s*x. However, it is politically incorrect to treat homosexuality as being something involuntary, because that degrades it from the rank of a 'freedom issue' to the rank of a 'disease', which in turn, opens h**l gates for the debate about whether society has an obligation to help in finding a 'cure' foir it or not.

    However, in my personal opinion, one should be free to use his body in anyway he wants as long as he is not hurting other people.  

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