
raising kids Catholic

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  1. First, Catholics are Christians. Some have the idea that they are stricter Christians, but my experience allows me to disagree. Many Catholics simply ignore strict policies and do what they think best. Wise priests and nuns teach independent thinking. Catholic parents must have their children raised Catholic or suffer the consequences that comes with committing an egregious sin. To some, there are no consequences because they doubt the sin part of it. You are responsible for what you know and believe. If the husband believes he is in a state of mortal sin because he is not raising his kids Catholic, it will tell on him in various ways over the years. He won't be tossed out for it, but it will always be the gorilla in the room. One does not usually let kids choose from among the religions; normally they will surprise everyone and choose none. Simple obedience to an organized religion (not a cult) brings the faith that everyone needs to function normally in society--but it should not be totally unconditional. One has to be able to identify some things that seem silly or counter-productive and avoid them. Remember always that religions are managed by humans who are always subject to error. Although it is generally good to be religious and obey certain principles, it is not always good to be rigid and intolerant. The highest principle is simply loving God and your fellow men the best--and easiest--way you can.

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